View Full Version : Rolling Stone mag. picture

04-03-2014, 08:48 AM
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned this picture that Rolling Stone mag. did to the venerable VT maple syrup can:


I know they have a problem there but I think it's a little much to associate it with maple syrup.

happy thoughts
04-03-2014, 09:10 AM
I hadn't seen that before and agree it's a terrible association but I suppose that's the nature of satire. It's a picture worth a thousand words and none of them good ones :(

04-03-2014, 12:02 PM
There is definitely a big problem with heroin and some other drugs here in VT! We're not talking about nature's drug here, but hard man made, manufactured ones (heroin being the most prominent)! However upset people are about the picture on the jug and the relationship to Vermonters making syrup is a bright note for the publisher! they are getting a lot of press from pissed of Vermonters, which just spreads their message even more! The association of Vermont sugar makers to heroin addicts is baseless and I think most people can/do figure that out! I mean after all, how many heroin addicts could trudge through hip deep snow and collect a 100 buckets... or even have the energy/motivation to do so after a fix? Do I like it... absolutely not! It's a horrible comparison and association. And Yes, there probably are many other ways to convey their message. However, this is getting a ton of attention, so rolling stones is accomplishing their goal and spreading awareness to a problem that is present in our State... That is currently giving us a "black eye"

04-11-2014, 09:08 AM
but hey they do have one thing in common they are both very addictive me personally I can't live without the stuff pure maple syrup that is