View Full Version : H2O Membrane

Amber Gold
04-01-2014, 12:54 PM
I have a new 600 H2O RO machine with their membrane. What are you guys seeing for flow rates? I usually start it a 3gpm conc. and 6 gpm perm. at 250-300 psi. Before too long, it's already down to 5gpm perm...480gpm total. I'm recirc'ing with my sap tank. Once it gets to 10% it's at 3C/3P and 14%+ about 3C/2-2.5P. I was expecting it to hold closer to 600gph longer than it is.


04-07-2014, 11:40 AM
We have the same H20 RO with a single 8" membrane. New and after a good wash we get 10gpm (about 8 perm / 2 conc) at 300 psi. We shoot for 8% single pass and then if we need more concentrate we pass it again. It's amazing how the flow rate returns after a good wash.

eagle lake sugar
04-08-2014, 01:57 PM
What I've been doing lately, is matching my concentrate and permeate flow, let's say 4 and 4, recirculating into the sap tank until it's up to 8%, then squeezing it to 12% or 14% as I send it over to the head tank. This seems to be easier on the membrane and have less loss in flow levels. I'd rather let that run for a couple hours and go check tubing, etc. than be boiling all that time, depleting my wood pile.

Jeff E
04-08-2014, 02:48 PM
I have that membrane in a CDL,
I run at higher pressure, and always shoot for 75% permeate. Typically at start up I am at 250-275 PSI, and 3 gpm conc, 8 gpm perm.
this fairly quickly drops, and I settle in at 2.5-2.8 gpm conc, and 7.0- 7.5 gpm perm. I end up around 400 psi for this rate. I have run it steady with this flow and pressure for hours on end. Sunday was 7 hrs and no drop in performance. I have pushed about 100,000 gallons at this membrane total, so far.