View Full Version : Re bottling

03-29-2014, 02:41 PM
Quick question, My First 2 batches (about 1.5 gallons) has developed sediment in the bottom of the bottles and I'm wondering what is the best way to re bottle this. Should I just pour it all back in the pot, reheat and filter or should I try to remove the clear syrup from the top of the bottles and filter whats left in the bottoms. Thank you

Burnt sap
03-29-2014, 03:04 PM
What are you using to filter with? And did you check it with a hydrometer?

03-29-2014, 07:55 PM
This is essentially how I filter my syrup. Just finish it and bottle into 1 gallon jugs. Two weeks later the niter and sediment falls to the bottom. I then pour off the crystal clear syrup off the top, reheat it to 190°F and bottle into 8 or 16oz glass, this syrup is done. The sediment gets collected into a different jug and slowly fills every time in bottle, this jug also settles and I continue the process of settling it and bottling the clear stuff until I decide to filter sediment with a bunch of coffee filters. Works good for me.

03-30-2014, 08:07 PM
Last year was my first year and the felt filter was giving me problems, so after reading a few posts I tried filtering with just 3 prefilters. When I was done the syrup looked clear but after a couple of days some sediment would form on the bottom of the bottles. My next batch I went back to using the felt filter with the prefilters and it worked great this year, beautiful clear syrup.Now I want to go back and re package my other bottles and was just looking for the easiest way to do it.