View Full Version : What size do I need?

sap extractor
01-03-2007, 07:26 AM
We have been boiling on a 2x3 flat bottom barrel evaporator for years and are ready to upgrade to a REAL evaporator. The barrel type seems to be ponderously slow--maybe only 3-6 gallons of sap per hour. We usually run 50-75 taps, but are growing. Goal is still just as a hobby for personal use and gifts.
Would a Leader Half Pint do me, or should I go to a 2x6?
Wood fired in Central Maine. Thanks

Fred Henderson
01-03-2007, 07:38 AM
Think about how many taps ypu will ever do max and then go from there. I started with 20 taps 5 years ago now I am up tp 400 plus. I went from some serving line pans to a 2x6'6" flat bottom with a preheater& hood to a 3x8 drop flue, preheater & hood. This mapling is very addictive. Once bitten by that maple bug you are hooked. I retired 4 years ago to pursue the syruping.

sap extractor
01-03-2007, 07:59 AM
Fred...how many taps would you estimate a 2x6 drop flu would handle...stated otherwise, how many gallons of sap an hour would it boil?

Fred Henderson
01-03-2007, 08:10 AM
I think they are rated to evaporate 25 gals an hour. With average sap that should give you about 3/4 gal of syrup and hour. Look in/on some dealer catolgs and web sites and sometimes that info is posted as to evap rate. A 2x6 is rated to do 250 taps but that is on a 9 hour day. There is a guy in here that has 700 taps and is using a 2x6, either he has an RO or he is running 3 shifts.

Jim Brown
01-03-2007, 08:53 AM
Fred; I have a steamaway on the top of my 2x6. I could get AT THE MAX.by holding 700 degrees in the stack base,forced draft.28.5 gallon per hour with just the rig. I'm looking forward to seeing what she will do with the steamaway.

Fred Henderson
01-03-2007, 09:41 AM
Jim , Now that I know :D I won't worry about you not getting any sleep working those 3 shifts all by your lonesome :D I could not even begin to fathom how your wife could be so understanding if you worked like that. Isn't the steamaway supposed to give you a 75% increase in the evap rate. :D :D

01-03-2007, 10:26 AM
I ran a leader 2x6 drop flue evaporator with a hood for 10 yrs. Boil rate varied from 20 to 30 gph depending on the quality of the wood and just the conditions of the day. The first few years I tapped only roadside trees. No more than 200 taps and the 2x6 would not keep up. There at times were single runs of over 400 gal and thats a lot for a 2x6 without an ro. The last few years I went to all woods trees and stayed under 150 buckets that was just about right.

01-03-2007, 11:56 AM
Hi Sap Extractor! Where do you live in Skowvegas? We just upgraded to a 2x6 and it's perfect for our 225 taps so far. We didn't feel overburdened by sap last year, anyway. We'll have to see what happens if we get a big year. I think you would like having a 2x6, especially if you are who I think you are...Did I teach both your sons in my art classes?

Jim Brown
01-04-2007, 07:02 AM
Fred; If I can get 50% more I will be happy!. This will be the first year for the steamaway. I also have to two disc ruptured and have a meeting with the surgeon on Tuesday. That will determine how soon we tap. I have a son (4hours away) and my daughter and son-in-law live close( we have 400 taps on their property) They will be able to help. and of course my wife. I hope to get a boil of water before we load it up with sap.That will hopfully happen this weekend

Fred Henderson
01-04-2007, 07:41 AM
Jim, I am on my way to see a surgeon also today, except its for my knee. But I already made up my mind that there will be no surgery until sometime in May well after sugaring. Its and old injury thats keeps cropping up. Torn cartilege is what the therpyist sais it might be. So by the time he gets done running test it will be too close to syruping time. I have perpared since last season. Sugaring is a hobby for me that comes once a year and only last a few weeks and I don't plan on missing it.

Jim Brown
01-04-2007, 09:24 AM
Fred; Mine is so bad I can't hardly walk Have to do something even if it's wrong!It is going to be a fulltime busniess in a couple of years when I retire. My wife,daughter,and son will run it until the time when Mom and I have had enough and then turn over the busniess to the kids and grand kids.And we can go camping more often

Dave Y
01-04-2007, 10:35 AM
What are you hoping to get out of your rig w/steamaway? 50?75gph?
that is still alot of boiling.Wait till you get a big run. I was getting between 40 and 50gph last year on my "old" 2.5x10 and I worked my butt offwith 400taps. That is why I bought the 3x12 w/preheater an hoods.plus air tight arch w/ blower. I am hoping to get 100-125 gph out of this rig,and go to 600-700 taps.

Jim Brown
01-04-2007, 12:10 PM
Dave Y. We are hoping to get 50-55gph I have enough help to run 14-16 hours if need be.Last year we only had 375 taps and we only collected about 2000 gallon of sap total This year we have the first 375 on vac and the lease area is 400 on natural flow .I know a freind of mine who has 1900 on vac. was using a 3x10 and he had to boil 24-36 straight an couple of times. He is now in the process of installing an new 4x12. If we can not keep up we will go to the HERO OR way in a year or two. We have 100 acres leased for the next 7 years with a 7 years option. We can be a big as we want to be with access to 100's of acres of trees. Only time will tell.
Hope to come up and see your operation some time.

Dave Y
01-04-2007, 12:56 PM
You are fortunate to have that kind of help. last year my last boil was 27hrs long and i petered out at the end. I have help, a young school teacher that I work with. With out him I would be hurting. I have a couple of brothers that will show up on weekends , but I can't wait till weekends to boil. Ithink before i went to an ro i would get a bigger rig . I watched a 4x16 in action last year and it was impresive. With my building i can't go longer. butI can go wider if it is needed.
You are welcome to stop by anytime. I place is easy to find. Right in the middle of marienville on Rt66. I would like to see your setup also and your woods.

Jim Brown
01-04-2007, 01:07 PM
Dave; Sent you an E-mail

Jim Brown
01-04-2007, 01:09 PM
Dave .E-Mail came back will send a PM

01-04-2007, 03:01 PM
I feel for you with the back problems. I sit here now with my brace on. I had 2 disc fused on Dec. 26'th putting an end to this years syrup season and also ending a 6 months of pain. Next I will need to have both of y knees replaced. But that will wait till after nextyears syrup season at least.