View Full Version : Something's got to give...

03-27-2014, 06:43 AM
Heading into the end of March without a single boil to date is not typical or comforting. We tapped 2 weeks ago, and have about 3" frozen solid in most of the buckets. Some might be due to our micro climate, but much of Vermont has had record cold temperatures this month. I just hope it doesn't swing to the opposite, with drastically warm temps 'round the clock and then the inevitable buds - this could be a very short season for us. By this time in 2011, we'd collected a record amount of sap per tap. Interesting but unsettling.

03-27-2014, 06:58 AM
The 10 day forecast is looking pretty good. Maybe the cold trend we've been having all winter will stay with us through April.

03-27-2014, 09:39 AM
Visited a sugarmaker in Stowe last weekend who has 9800 taps. He had yet to light a match.

Your forecast might be favorable. Mine down here is pathetic. Looks like it may be getting too warm too soon for me. :(

03-28-2014, 05:43 PM
Visited a sugarmaker in Stowe last weekend who has 9800 taps. He had yet to light a match.

Your forecast might be favorable. Mine down here is pathetic. Looks like it may be getting too warm too soon for me. :(

I am still dry...

Don't panic... I am not.

I am in the deep south of Vermont, but in the snow belt at 2000' with my sugarbush above me.

The National Weather Service long range forecasts still show no change in the below normal temps for the north, and northeastern U.S., and high temps in the west. I watch 5 different weather forecasts, including the NWS. Most keep forecasting warmer temps than I get. Today, most forecast in the low to mid forties, and I never got over 39, and I am buried in snow and ice. I feel like it is one big ice box here, with 2 feet of snow all around me.
Check these NOAA Long Range forecasts
8-14 day
30 Day

03-28-2014, 07:25 PM
It looks like this week will be the turning point for us. The lines gravity fed about 10 gallons several times this year. Just a giant ice cube in the tank.

03-31-2014, 11:05 AM
There goes March, without a boil - a first for us. We gathered a modest amount this weekend but not enough to fire up. It's in nature's cold storage now, waiting to be combined with the first full-tilt run which I hope comes along soon. Snow cover near the tree base is no problem. We have between 2 and 3 feet in most places.

03-23-2015, 12:14 PM
This thread is from last year, but the story is very much the same.

maple flats
03-23-2015, 04:05 PM
Over here in central NY we still have not boiled either. Last year my first boil was on 3/27, based on the forecast it may be again this year. In 2014 I was tapped by 1/20, this year we waited and finished about 6 days ago on newly added taps, a week earlier on the old taps. Last Sat. the temps went up to 38 degrees, so I ran the vacuum pumps (2), I burned 9 gal. of gas to get about 6 gal of sap. Late this week and all of the next 2+ weeks look good here, if only the ground thaws some.

Russell Lampron
03-23-2015, 04:32 PM
Over here in NH I have done better than the rest of you. I boiled 2 times and have made 20 gallons of syrup. Last year I only boiled 5 times in the month of March which was a new low. With Maple Weekend coming up I will boil 2 more times and if I am lucky I may match last years 5 boils or beat it by 1. Unheard of for my location. March is usually when we make our syrup.

03-23-2015, 04:54 PM
Nothing here yet have about fifty gallons in tanks sitting like a block of ice today those **** cold winds blew all day and Saturday the same and 4 degrees tonight then the warm up starts, well well what is a person to do PACE BACK AND FORTH THAT IS WHAT:lol:

03-23-2015, 08:20 PM
230 taps, collected 440 gallons of sap and made 9 gallons of medium, Amber, rich, whatever it's called now syrup.

This week was suppose to be banner... But then they changed the forecast this afternoon.

Get the Hillbilly Weatherman to give us some good news, will ya?

03-23-2015, 08:26 PM
I have made 9 quarts so far and only boiled twice and both small boils. I haven't gotten a single drop of sap since last Tuesday

Russell Lampron
03-24-2015, 05:50 AM
I got a little run Saturday. It started late but ran well into the night. I have 175 gallons in my woods tank and the buckets and gravity tanks have ice in the bottom. I't 12* here now with a high of 39* in the forecast. It should start running again by late afternoon.

03-24-2015, 05:56 AM
In Central Vermont on a N-NW facing slope I had a small run and some tank thawing on Saturday. It was enough to flood the evaporator and boil for an hour before the iceberg settled onto the bottom of the tank. Not really worth the effort, but it was good to check the piping for leaks and sit by the fire. ~30g was frozen solid on Sunday. Just hiked the woods to check on lines. 5 degrees this morning, 35 and sunny this afternoon won't be enough for more than a few gallons of sap if any. Supposed to be a warm up Wednesday - Friday. Staring at the tank won't make the sap run any faster, I have the day off Wednesday and am going skiing in the morning; I expect to have the slopes empty and to myself. When I get back maybe the sap tank won't be empty...

steve J
03-24-2015, 08:27 AM
I probably have 25 gallons between buckets and tanks all frozen up I have yet to boild a drop I am hoping it kicks in tomorrow its getting late early as Yogi Berra would say!

03-24-2015, 12:43 PM
We boiled on Sunday, about 30 gal and ended up with just over 1/2 gallon in New Durham NH. All was frozen and we were thawing inside and then adding to the warming pan. Didn't last long. Fingers crossed this week get's going!

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03-27-2015, 05:47 AM
Dam finally burst! Up to 700 gal of sap collected but still have two tanks to empty.. Probably another 150 in them. Made 13 gal so far and lots more to come! Woohoo, it's about time!!!

Russell Lampron
03-27-2015, 05:56 AM
I am hoping that the dam will burst soon here. That a lot of sap from 250 taps stoweski.

03-27-2015, 12:41 PM
Same thing here in northwestern Vermont. Can't believe how frozen my ground still is. Maybe by Sunday/Monday I'll have enough for 1st boil, coming very slowly though.


04-01-2015, 10:08 AM
Good sap flow the past three days. Over 1.4 gpt total. The sap runs have been short lived though as it takes some time to warm up each day.

Russell Lampron
04-01-2015, 04:38 PM
Same here! The sap runs are starting late but when they start they are running not just dribbling in. I have gotten 1.5 gpt the last 2 days.