View Full Version : The NY Maple Conference

01-02-2007, 01:09 PM
Hello everyone, this is an email that is going out to the Ma. Maple Association Members... But anyone out there in Ma or close by. that is considering going or hasn't thought of it yet please read and email soon to info@massmaple.org to get on this trip our coordinator also put his phone # in the mailing so call soon and get on the bus with us. it's an excellent opportunity

info is as follows

The Annual New York Maple Conference is this Saturday January 6th. in Verona, NY. The Mass Maple Association is renting a 29 passenger bus to take interested people out to the conference. Transportation costs will be shared by both the members and the association. Mass Maple is subsidizing the transportation expense in an effort to get more people to attend this excellent educational opportunity. Many of our members have been attending year after year, and always find it worthwhile. You will not be disappointed! A schedule is below and a more complete description of the presentations is attached as a Word document.

We are making arrangements for the bus in the next few days. It will have a very early morning pickup stop in the Conn. River Valley somewhere, probably Deerfield area, a stop on Rte 9 in Cummington, and another stop in Berkshire County, probably Pittsfield. More details on this later once we get the plans dialed in. We should be home by 8pm.

We will have a 29 passenger motor coach with driver to transport us to the conference. PLEASE consider going. There is plenty of room still. It will be one of the most beneficial days you have experienced for your maple business. To assure that you will have a seat on the bus, please reply to this email or call me at 413-628-3268. I have a few names of people who want to go, but I NEED CONFIRMATION from anyone else please. We hope to fill up the buss or nearly so, in order to keep the cost down.

2007 Maple Conference Speakers by Time Slot

A. Common forest pests and diseases - Rebecca Hargrave, CCE Chenango County Media Center
B. Effects of air injection on syrup chemistry and flavor, Abby van den Berg, Univ. of Vermont M.S. Room # 12
C. Financial management of the maple operation - Patricia Furner-Nolan, First Pioneer Farm Credit M.S. Room #13
D. Demonstration of a new maple sugar and cream machine- Garth Atherton, Maple Pro and Doug Wolcott, Wolcott Maple Mid. School Cafeteria
E. Production of granulated sugar using a new power granulated sifter - Lyle Merle, Merle Farms LGI
F. Marketing maple syrup like you mean it! - Jim Ochterski, CCE-Schuyler County M.S. Room # 14
G. On line farmers market - Kim Mills, SUNY Morrisville Computer Lab # I
H. Understanding and selling maple flavor- Brian Chabot, Director, Cornell Maple Program High School Cafeteria
I. Planning improves sugarbush operations - Peter Smallidge, NYS Extension Forester, Cornell M.S. Room # 11
J. Sugar house pointers - Glen Goodrich, Goodrich's Maple Farm Auditorium

Maple Queen Contest - Laurie Jean Britton, 2000 NYS Maple Queen, Rome NY - Music Suite

10:00 - 10:50
A. Biology and management of Forest Tent Caterpillar - Kim Adams, ESF Media Center -
B. Maple confection basics, invert sugar and crystallization - Steve Childs CCE M.S. Room # 12
C. Conducting a maple business summary - David Munsee, CCE Chautauqua County M.S. Room #13
D. Common sugaring equipment repairs - Reed Baker, Bakers Maple Mid School Cafeteria
E. The art of building attractive retail displays - Lutie Batt, CCE Wyoming County LGI
F. Simply syrup (Instruction for beginners) - Caroline Foote and Victor Putnam, Maple Hill Farms M.S. Room # 14
G. Taking advantage of exciting new trends in culinary tourism - How to develop lodging packages and integrated promotions that work - Mary Jeanne Packer, NYSMPA + Pat Charland, Ontario County CVB Computer Lab # I
H. Understanding and selling maple flavor- Brian Chabot, Director, Cornell Maple Program High School Cafeteria
I. Selling Biodiversity in the Sugarbush - Gary Goff, CCE, Cornell M.S. Room # 11
J. Using the RO in maple production - Brad Gillilan, Leader Evaporator Auditorium
K. Beginner Tubing Demonstration - David Hill, Shaver-Hill Farm, Harpersfield NY Open Hall

A. Update on New York forest health - Jason Denham, NYSDEC Media Center -
B. Effects of air injection on syrup chemistry and flavor, Abby van den Berg, Univ. of Vermont M.S. Room # 12
C. Financial management of the maple operation - Patricia Furner-Nolan, First Pioneer Farm Credit M.S. Room #13
D. Maple coatings on nuts - Greg Zimpfer, Zimpfer's Maple Products Mid School Cafeteria
E. Beyond maple sugar and cream, the other value added products - Lane and Kathy Clute, Clute's Maple Products
F. Woodlot basics and tree ID - J. Rebecca Hargrave, CCE Chenango County M.S. Room # 14
G. Would you tap this sugarbush? What we did to create a great sugarbush. Eric Randall, Randalls Maple Computer Lab # I
H. The importance of microbial contamination on the quality of maple sap and maple syrup - Luc Lagace, Center Acer, Quebec Computer Lab # II
I. 6 Steps to Establishing a New Sugarbush- Jim Ochterski, CCE-Schuyler County M.S. Room # 11
J. Tubing and vacuum basics - Glen Goodrich, Goodrich's Maple Farm Auditorium

10:55-11:45 VVS FFA Maple Sap House Tour - Members of the VVS FFA - Hallway by H.S.Cafeteria

A. Aerial spraying for FTC - Jeff Duflo, Duflo Spray-Chemical, Inc. Media Center -
B. Report on the forest tent IPM project for small woodlots- Steve Childs CCE M.S. Room # 12
C. Maple production records that we find useful - Robert Wright, Wright Farms M.S. Room #13
D. Making maple cream for the hobbyist - Dean and Ruth Delevan, Delevan Maple Farms Mid School Cafeteria
E. Our experience with the bubbler in the finishing pan - Ben Benjamin, Ben & Judy's Sugarhouse LGI
F. Stainless spouts and sap ladders - David Campbell, Mapleland Farms M.S. Room # 14
G. Marketing basics the 5 P’s - Bernadette Logozar, CCE Franklin County Computer Lab # I
H. The importance of microbial contamination on the quality of maple sap and maple syrup - Luc Lagace, Center Acer, Quebec Computer Lab # II
I. Sugarbush thinning improves production - Peter Smallidge, NYS Extension Forester, Cornell M.S. Room # 11
J. Advanced vacuum - Glen Goodrich, Goodrich's Maple Farm Auditorium

A. Predicting FTC defoliation in your sugarbush - Mike Farrell, Uihlein Sugar Maple Media Center -
B. What's new in tubing, testing, and vacuum research - Steve Childs CCE M.S. Room # 12
C. The real cost of making maple syrup and pricing the product - Bill and Earl Moore, Moore's Maple Shack & Pancake House M.S. Room #13
D. Making and selling maple cotton - Dwayne Hill, Shaver-Hill Farm Mid School Cafeteria
E. Practical use of UV in maple syrup production - Phil Hartman and Lyle Merle LGI
F. Introduction to business management strategies for your maple syrup operation - J.J.Schell, CCE Schoharie County M.S. Room # 14
G. Marketing on a shoestring - Michele E. Ledoux, Executive Director, CCE-Lewis County Computer Lab I
H. Making maple gift baskets - Karen Zaleski, Ben & Judy's Sugarhouse Computer Lab # II
I. Good roads make for good access - J. Rebecca Hargrave, CCE Chenango County M.S. Room # 11
J. Advanced sugar house management- Brad Gillilan, Leader Evaporator Auditorium

01-04-2007, 01:09 PM
I know there are many of you out there thinking about it.. PLUS you can meet other traders along with THE MAPLE GUYS( Chris and Kim will be there)
Too much to pass up
Sit back and leave the driving to a professional driver. You will be responsible for your own registration, which includes a huge lunch. We are asking no more than $20 per person for the bus transportation, which will cover only part of the expense. In an effort to get educational opportunities more available to the membership, the association will subsidize the balance of the bus expense. Anyone under the age of 18 gets not only a free bus ride but also free registration. You must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

There are still seats left available on the bus. We will have early morning pickups in Deerfield, Cummington and Pittsfield. The bus should be back in western Mass. by 7:30 pm Sat.

To reserve a seat on the bus call Mass Maple Assoc. at 413-628-3268 or email info@massmaple.org

This IS available to Non members and our neighboring states !!!! Call NOW

Do I sound like a TV salesman... Call now while supplies last.. As seen on TV, call now and get a Pet rock free..... :wink: :lol:

01-04-2007, 01:55 PM
Have been to this show and school many times. Wish I could attend this year but it jsut isn't happenning this year. Maybe next year.
I do highly recomend it to anyone who can attend.

01-04-2007, 02:07 PM
Whos going so far?
guys in NY? Davey and sons


I have a friends Son going with me who has worked on tubing with me and has boiled with me, this year he is starting small on his new used homemade rig he bought here.
My son may go too he's been wanting to do alot around the barn with Dad so I may get to spend the day with him learning

01-04-2007, 04:55 PM
I'm going along with my brother and our boys. I also got one of my students from Williamson CSD to enter the NYS Maple Pageant.

01-04-2007, 05:07 PM
Wish I could go. I flew up 2 years ago and spent the weekend with mapleman and his family and got to meet quite a few traders at the conference. Sure is an awesome conference and wish I could go. Maybe again in a few years. 800 miles is a little far. :cry: :cry:

Of course, it is any wife's worst nightmare with all the new shiny stuff all around the outside wall of the gym. 8O :lol: :lol:

White Barn Farm
01-04-2007, 05:15 PM
There are at least 4 from the Rome Pa. area who are going.

01-04-2007, 06:56 PM
Dont forget all of you who do go check in with Chris and Kim at the Maple Guys booth, Bring some $$$$ they have some great stuff, I picked up my foot operated bottling valve last year and an Accucup, they are 2 things I wouldn't be without now! you'll see we(Traders) all tend to mill around at the booth doing meet and greets, maybe we are just Maple guy groupies :lol: :lol:

Brandon, get that plane ticket to Ma. again , get yer butt up here, need to beat you in ping pong!!

I got the barn interior almost all the way opened up for the game room!! just waiting on the barn board flooring (hopefully tomorrow or Sunday!!)

01-04-2007, 09:09 PM
Wish I could but guess those 3 bucks at the taxidermy will take the extra $$$. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O :oops: :oops: :oops:

Either way, I haven't played ping pong since I was there 2 years ago and I think I could still kick you butt. :D :P :P :P :P :P :wink: :wink: :wink:

01-05-2007, 03:14 PM
Oh well I think we only have half a bus, and we are only asking $10 dollars.... what ? you want to go now? CALL ASAP, Bus leaves EARLY from the 3 pickup spots. Plenty of room for your coolers... and plenty of room for all the stuff you buy at the show!!!!

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
01-05-2007, 07:32 PM
Would ya guys take a couple of dollars for the chip in for gas 8O -i'd even ride on the spare tire if i can hold on for that long.

01-05-2007, 09:15 PM

Just turn loose of that moldy money, you can't take it with you. :idea: :idea: :D

01-06-2007, 04:40 AM
Me and Ray made it to Onida last night by 9 pm,,,hold up at the super8 now,,(only had a smoking room left GAG-but better than sleeping in the car) looking forward to seeing some traders today,,,,,Parker

01-06-2007, 01:01 PM
Parker I stayed there a couple ties before. The last time I was there at that hotel It was a sub zero day. I went out to start my truck to let it warm up for my freinds and I. I locked the door and kept the push button to unlock it. DID YOU KNOW THAT THOSE PUSH BUTTON UNLOCKING GIZMO'S DON'T WORK WHEN THE ENGINE IS RUNNING. :( :( :o :o We missed the first couple sessions of the schooling while we watied for AAA to come unlock my truck. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-06-2007, 04:42 PM
My son Davey and I went out today and had a pretty nice time. Met Chris and Kim, just as nice in person as I had expected them to be, made me feel even better about buying from them. Davey came home with a bag full of stickers, business cards and a bump on the head from running into the edge of the truck door and slept like a rock all the way home. Looked to meet other traders but its hard to socialize much with a 4 year old in tow.

01-06-2007, 04:52 PM
Sorry I missed ya dave. We are on our way back now on the bus, my son and I also had a good time, coming home with a few goodies and a free roll of tuning from D&G door prize. It was great seeing the traders today too many to list. And as always great to are Kim and Chris. Ge will be at the mass maple anuall meeting next sat.

01-06-2007, 05:18 PM
I saw you there or at least someone with your name on their shirt but you were talking with someone and my son needed to enter more drawings. Hopefully another day.

01-06-2007, 07:29 PM
Anyone go to the casino while you where there? I like to go for the breakfast buffet.

maple flats
01-07-2007, 05:30 PM
I was there with my wife both Fri eve and all day Sat. We saw a few fellow traders but didn't meet any new ones. We should have had our trader names on our name tags too like last year. We forgot. The show and classes were exceptionally good as always. Joan and I both went so we could cover more classes and we did just that. We did 8 classes in 5 class periods, no we are all fired up to get going. Today I poured some more concrete in my sugarhouse and I still have more to go, may the weather hold about 10 more days and then we need the cold and snow for a good maple season to materialize.