View Full Version : Steam stack/Smoke stack Questions

01-02-2007, 12:49 PM
I have a 30x8 Grim and I'm thinking of extending the smokestack. I'm trying to remember the rule of thumb, is it - stack x2 the length of the evaporator, so 16 feet in my case?

Also, a steam stack question - does length matter? After getting your mind out of the gutter, I'm interested in your thoughts. My steamstack is through the roof, so I can go higher. It's a 10 inch stack on a hood that covers both pans.

Also, I have no damper in my steam stack but read of posts suggesting a damper. I'm confused, although a damper will keep heat in, won't it prevent the steam from escaping. For this reason, I moved away from the traditional stack cap to a flat cap that I can pull off the stack when I'm cooking.

Interested in your thoughts!



01-02-2007, 01:28 PM
Your smokestack should be good at 16 ft. Unless you have nearby trees or buildings that hinder draft. In that case you may want to be higher. The steamstack only needs to be thru the roof unless its not pulling all the steam out. There again higher would be better. As far as steamstack damper the only reason for that would be if you are using a preheater otherwise let the steam fly.

01-02-2007, 08:28 PM
Dan that is correct length of your arch X 2. For a minimum. And a good 4-6 feet over your peak of the roof. So in some cases with smaller arches it can be more than 2 times the length.
And tapper is right on about the damper. The first year with my hood and preheater I was only getting the sap in the high 100's coming into the pan when I added the damper I now have it at 200 or so and I barely turn the damper.

Fred Henderson
01-02-2007, 08:34 PM
Keith, Do you save the water coming off the prehearter for washing things?

01-02-2007, 08:44 PM
Yes I do. I wish there was more Icould do with it but I have nothing close by. Plus when I shut down any lines would need to be protected from freezing or blown out. But it is free hot water and to be able to wash clothes or something would be nice.
What I did is take a 5 gal pail straight below my preheater drain and made a conection on the top of the pail to run out side so that I constantly have 5 gal of hot water and the rest just runs out on the ground through a 1/2" line. It is easy to dump after I get done boiling so that it doesn't freeze solid .

Fred Henderson
01-03-2007, 03:57 AM
I have a gas fired hot water heater in the SH and of course running water but I do not start the water until later for fear of freezing. It sure is nice to have unlimited hot water for clean up at the end of the season. I have a floor drain about 16 inches from the preheater drain. I plan on letting the water dump into a 5 gal pail and then just let the pail overflow.