03-21-2014, 07:22 PM
Last year we got a brand new arch and pans. Pan are leader pans. The pans were great no complaints at all did about 160 gal/hr at best. The arch left a lot to be desired. "Not a leader arch" we did end up reusing to door off last years arch because that part of it worked well it was everything else that sucked. If anyone does recognize what brand door it is please keep it to yourself not tiring to bash on any companies here. So like I said we reused the door but I made everything else. Had to weld flange plates to the door so they would fit my arch. Total lengths and widths are 32.5x about 13' So far havn't been able to make much syrup this year but looks like new evap numbers are around 200gph+. The biggest problems with the old arch was warpage "it was twisted like a pretzl"and smoke leaks all the steel was overlapped incorrectly.