View Full Version : Sap was just a little cloudy, why does that happen?

aunt stellas gardens
03-21-2014, 11:31 AM
We collected all the sap on Saturday about 60 gallons and boiled it, it got cold Sunday and Monday. Started to warm up a little by Wednesday. Collected another 70 gallons (the trees were really running) on Wednesday and when we poured it into the coolers it was just a little cloudy. The sap was still cold so I don't think it was spoiling and we do have cold nights here still. All our sap so far- 4 boils so far this year, has been crystal clear. Do you think this sap is ok to boil tomorrow? We are still keeping it chilled in our coolers. Do you think I should do a small test batch inside to make sure it's ok?

03-21-2014, 12:32 PM
It should be fine. If it doesn't smell, Its good.

03-21-2014, 02:06 PM
Stella - Not sure if you mean cloudy in the bucket or cloudy in the tank. I've smelled and tasted cloudy sap from buckets before that was most definitely off flavor. I would toss any sap that looks unclear in a bucket. Sap in a large holding tank will often look cloudy later in the season because of the bacteria and the large volume you're looking through, but I'd be highly suspect of cloudy in a bucket, especially if, as you describe, it's been sitting. Yellow and clear in the bucket, fine, cloudy bucket, no.

Ed R
03-21-2014, 02:19 PM
Are you sure its not just sweet? Lots of times after you throw out ice the sap has a tint to it because of increased sugar conc. If its run that much and its a couple of days or less old I would boil it. Check the sugar level as well. When you have just a little bit of sap in a bucket and its cloudy our yellow then I throw it out.

aunt stellas gardens
03-24-2014, 02:49 PM
Thank you for all the advice. I did a test boil on 10 cups of the sap. Did not smell or taste bad. We boiled 97 gallons this weekend it took the entire weekend but it's done. This was by far the darkest syrup we've ever made. It's so dark you can hardly see through it, but it still tastes good. We're pulling the taps this week. 5 weekends of boiling is enough. Couldn't wait to get started and just as happy to be cleaning up! We made 6 1/2 gallons this year, the most we've ever made.
Good luck to the rest of you boilers. May your season be as long as you wanted.