View Full Version : Frozen concentrated sap

Jonnie Maple
03-19-2014, 05:15 PM
Saturday I boiled about 25 gallons down to about 4 gallons. I poured it into a 5 gallon pail and set it in the snow and piled snow around the sides. Monday it did not get above freezing and the nights have been in the teens. Today I checked the pail and there was a good 2" of ice on top and running down the side of the sap.
Question: Should I discard this like you would with fresh sap or should I leave it for when I boil it down the rest of the way?

03-19-2014, 07:02 PM
I'd keep the ice.

If it was ice in a bucket then I would toss it, but since it is already concentrated and you are not talking about a huge volume of sap, I would boil it and scavenge any sugar available.

03-21-2014, 01:43 PM
So depending on the orig sugar content, you're up to maybe 10% from 2%? IMHO, I bet if you took a chunk and let it melt, then tasted it, it would have very little if any sweetness, i.e. pure water. I've done this in similar circumstances and found it tastes like ice out of frozen orange juice. Probably too late this time, but in the future, I'd toss it.