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03-18-2014, 08:53 PM
We made a very simple concrete block evaporator 2 years ago.
last fall, we sold most of our good blocks, in preparation for moving cross country. Well, winter got in the way of selling our house, so we sat tight.
Now we have to buy blocks again, :lol:
But we are also considering the filing cabinet design.
We have an older heavy duty one that is bound for the dump after spring breakup, so it seems like a good option that will save us money, and will be easy enough to get rid of after we are done boiling.
Very nice to see all the different designs in this section.

03-19-2014, 06:33 PM
New option just landed. DH picked up a free, in good condition fireplace insert. Its huge.
Now how to incorporate it!
Any ideas?

03-19-2014, 08:05 PM
How about some pictures and dimensions......would be helpful to get the creative juices flowing.......

03-19-2014, 08:23 PM
How about some pictures and dimensions......would be helpful to get the creative juices flowing.......
I will get some tonight

03-26-2014, 06:23 PM
Sooo, no pics! Too busy with so many projects. But we did figure out what to do. DH is in town getting stove pipe.
We took off the top and all but the actual firebox, and are going to remove the center chimney. Cutting in a new hole for the chimney on the upper back.
We have metal to cover up the old hole.
This gives us a fabulous all metal evaporator that holds our three pans perfectly!
I promise to take good pics while we get it set up.
Our sun is finally intense enough to make the top layer of snow a bit mushy during the day, so we are getting closer to sap running!