View Full Version : Northern Ont.,,, 4th day above freezing,,fingers crossed !!

03-18-2014, 05:32 PM
Well, tomorrow is going to be the 4th day, not in a row, over the last two weeks, above freezing temps. I have drilled a test hole each day that went above freezing and nothing. Hoping tomorrow it starts to flow. Today was only 1 degree below, so a very mild day actually, hope that helps for tomorrow.

Any guesses that it may flow tomorrow or do you think it is too soon?


03-25-2014, 09:43 AM
In Parry Sound and the trees are tap-pable but no flows as of yet.
Hoping the next few days bring thawing temps, with a shot at some runs on Monday.

03-25-2014, 10:24 AM
Well, my original post was exactly one week ago. No sap the next day. I did get in approx. 30 more taps though. Now looking at the forecast, today being Tuesday, starting Thursday 27th, day temps are going above freezing for many days in a row. Sunday the 30th, it is forecast for 7C, wowza if it reaches 7C, please please be right weatherman.

I hope to get more taps in, maybe total so far is 50-60, just want above freezing temps in order to drill more holes.

Good luck !

maple flats
03-25-2014, 11:23 AM
Most large operations tap in freezing temperatures. For your size you can just tap when the forecast looks like it will run in a day or 2. Even though I'm not real large, I finished tapping 1/21. As the temps turn right they will run. If on bags or buckets I wouldn't dare tap that far ahead.

03-27-2014, 03:37 PM
Looks like we get to start this weekend.
Was -9 when I headed back to the big smoke, but calling for nice temps next few days.
Will be interested to see if the trees like having cold toes.....there's a tonne of snow yet to melt

03-27-2014, 07:46 PM
Hey Mapleapper,,,hope your right. It is going to be over even before we begin I fear. Just dying to try my new pan and arch, just suffering here. Temps right now at almost 9 p.m. are right at freezing, not above and not below.
I actually checked my taps twenty minutes ago, slushy at the spouts at best, most are dry, a bit more effort needed by the weather,,,ggrrr.

Lets keep our fingers crossed for all of us north of the 45 Parallel !!!

Good luck to all.

franks sap
03-27-2015, 08:26 PM
I waiting to weather isn't helping

03-28-2015, 07:35 AM
Oh C,mon
March 28th, Nice and Bright, sunny and no wind but -20

We usually make syrup during the kids March Break at the cottage which is 2 hrs from home.
Now we likely will have the big runs well after Easter- which is coming on fast.
No holidays to hide behind.

Need some fresh excuses to ditch work and head to the sugar woods.

03-28-2015, 08:04 AM
Well if I was in the sweet ice business it would be a good day. -15 at 7:30, Friday it reached -3 in the sun.
Boiled 3 weeks ago to get about 2l, real dark and sap seems to have low sugar content.
Hoping the next week gets warmer, even +5 would be nice.

03-28-2015, 06:50 PM
So far I have had just under 60 litres of sap. last 2 days I got 5.5 litres. Lots of sapsicles and not much in the buckets. End of the week looks promising.

50 Taps

03-28-2015, 09:12 PM
Maybe just maybe a wee bit of sap will drip tomorrow. Not to cold below freezing tonight, last night was crazy cold so no sap today. Calling for a few degrees above freezing for tomorrow.

I added about 10 taps to my line a couple days ago and the holes seeped a bit when I drilled the holes. The trees are so ready to let loose.

Decided to use Ski-Doo to get at some dead standing trees for extra wood. Snow is hard and crusty so you can drive almost anywhere right now.

With my local forecast I will be boiling soon, I sure hope so anyway.

Good luck to all of us that suffer the season with cold temps, lol.


03-29-2015, 08:50 AM
Well if I was in the sweet ice business it would be a good day. -15 at 7:30, Friday it reached -3 in the sun.
Boiled 3 weeks ago to get about 2l, real dark and sap seems to have low sugar content.
Hoping the next week gets warmer, even +5 would be nice.

We are just north of you in Parry Sound. Our syrup finished surprisingly dark for our first batch of the year.
It appears that midweek right thru to the week following Easter will be good.

02-17-2016, 09:03 AM
Anyone starting to tap in the North or near North yet ?
Still seems like the last few weeks of -30 have locked the trees up for a few weeks.
Was thinking about tapping this weekend, but don't want to start to early and have taps drying out for the late March and April runs.
Hope this isn't 2012 all over again

02-17-2016, 12:23 PM
None tapped yet. Three straight days above freezing arriving in 48 hrs, but still not going to tap.

Hey TwinBay, where you from?

I am watching the weather every day (multiple times), next time after this Friday, the weather goes above freezing for a couple days I will tap. Guessing that is near the end of the month, but maybe sooner.

Praying for a normal or above normal year for 2016.


02-17-2016, 12:38 PM
We are just outside of Parry Sound.
This is starting out like 2012.....that **** groundhog.
Late February blast, and Accuweather is forecasting a hot end of March.
Fingers crossed.

02-19-2016, 11:54 AM
Any ideas on when to tap in the Sault and Area.
Last year I think I jumped the gun a bit, but this year I think I will wait till after March 17

Of course this depends on the weather, 14 day shows below zero for a bit yet.

02-19-2016, 03:34 PM
I was playing around today setting lines and cutting in a few drops. No intention of tapping but after awhile I was a bad boy and tapped one tree.

SAP came out as I was drilling.
I will be working as fast as possible to get all my lines set up, drops installed on my laterals and the next time I see above freezing temps I am tapping. I probably would have tapped a couple dozen trees if I had all my lines set up, right now any sap will drop onto the ground, not ready to collect sap !!

This will be way earlier than any other year, but this has been a weird winter, ground has barely any frost, not much snow all winter, my creek never even totally froze in all spots, never saw that before.

I will post when I tap in this forum.

Good luck to all of us.


02-19-2016, 04:50 PM
I tapped yesterday but mine are all on tubing so the risk of drying is little. However it was -2 and many drop lines were filling with sap before freezing in it. Due to work this year I need to be ready when it will run good. Maybe this weekend with 6C in the forecast but high winds are not favorable.

02-20-2016, 07:21 AM
Good call!

Just went to the bush and all the lines are full and the storage tank is one quarter full and it is just 8:30 AM. Looks like I am boiling this afternoon! Temp is +6 right now.

02-20-2016, 08:14 PM
Good call Dave. That's a nice sugar bush you have there. I think my cousin use to tap that bush many years ago and I don't know who before them. It gets lots of sun and has great slope for your tubes. I drive by there on my way to my bush in North River. Now that I am back from Cuba its time to dust off the drill and start tappin.

02-21-2016, 06:30 AM
Feel free to stop by if you see me there!

02-21-2016, 07:51 PM
Will Do Dave:)

02-25-2016, 05:44 PM
This Saturday looks real good for a run. Temps are great looking, nice sunny day coming. I drilled some trees the other day across my creek and most had sap coming out, frozen since then but Saturday I am sure sap will run good in our area.

I will post Sunday how I did.

Good luck.