View Full Version : Winter Weary...!

Clarkfield Farms
03-18-2014, 09:41 AM
Well, this morning may (hopefully!) be the last of our very (for us) long run of sub-zero temperature readings. It has been a long winter; yes, I know, we've had far worse and I've lived through them and remember them well BUT I WAS YOUNGER THEN!!! lol! Anyways, I can't help but wonder if it's my fault; you see, I started yelling insults at the mother - um, er, Nature. yeah, that's it - Mother NATURE. Awhile ago. And she's been getting progressively worse, perhaps as a result of it, but I keep telling her, "ARE YOU NUTS???? YOU'RE PROVING ME RIGHT WITH EVERYTHING YOU'RE DOING!!!" and then it goes downhill from there at an alarming rate, in both outrage and outrageous language. Funny, I'm hearing me using words I've never uttered before. And I am sore ashamed!! Woe is me.... but you see, I'm sick of winter this year. And in fairness, I should clarify and state that I'm sick of winter, HERE. I mean, it's winter in Aruba, the Bahamas, Hawaii, and all sorts of places where IT'S WARM IN WINTER. I know, I know, I can hear you - "SO MOVE ALREADY, and kwitcherbitchen. Or at least take a vacation, preferably a HIKE!" lol.

Ah, well... in the words immortalized by my late Uncle Howard, last heard from him more than 20 years ago: "Winter is like a beautiful but cold-hearted woman; lovely to look at, but I want NOTHING to do with her. Send me a picture."

snizzleplork. SEE?!?! What strange words!!!! :rolleyes:

All kidding aside, I do generally enjoy every season, winter included. But I am a bit tired of the monotony of this one. At least I've heard the redwing blackbirds since last Friday, but seeing one still eludes me. What a thrill it gives me to hear the first one of the spri - er, winter... ;)

Anyways, there ya have it. :cool:
- Tim

happy thoughts
03-18-2014, 10:21 AM
Well, Tim now I know who to blame then. And all along I was cussing that darn possum, no I mean groundhog. Actually I blame missing hoodie hoo day celebrated in some parts of NE PA. Next year mark Feb 20th on your calendar. Instead of cussing mother nature you can chase winter away at high noon with a little yelling. Silly hat and costume optional.


Clarkfield Farms
03-18-2014, 10:59 AM
lol! I already do that, once a month, every month, all year, but outside standing naked facing north while juggling 6 chipmunks. Used to use - oh, nevermind... :D :D :D

And as far as phony phil, you're better off phlipping a phlamin' coin and have better odds of foreguessing the remainder of winter. I mean, with a coin toss you've got 50-50 odds, right? But that phurry little phake that goes by the name o' Phil has a record of what, 42%? hah, nice odds! I'll take the coin toss.

And it occurred to me, this past February 2nd, after someone said to me, "Tim," she says to me, "why is February 2nd the day they picked for Ground Hog Day?" So I says to meself, I did, "hmmm, strange girl, who in the world would celebrate a day for making the fixin's for pork patties?" But then it occurred to me, it did it did, that the Hog to which she referred was in fact one in the same with 'at l'il fat, furr-tailed rat goes by the name o' Phil, 'e does, and THAT got me to thinking. And I had no idea. None whatsoever. And I couldn't find it anywhere, either. But as fate would 'ave it, I was just in the re-reading of "A Midsummer's Night Dream," and >WHAM-O!!!< it 'it me, it did!!! "Why," I says to meself, "if there's a Midsummer's night, and a Midsummer's eve, well there's just gotta be a MIDWINTER'S night, day, and eve as well, ain't there?" And so it occurs to me, right then and there: "Why, could it be? Do the math, Timmy me boy, do the math; there be four quarters in a year, and 52 weeks, so that means there be 13 weeks to a quarter... and if there also be 4 seasons to a year, which o'course there IS, then that's 13 weeks per season... and 'alfway thru, why that's be six an' a half weeks, which would o'course be for'y-five an' a half days, but figger 45 or 46 on account o' there being no such thing as 'alf days exceptin' for gov'ment employees and such... so, lessee, do the math do the math-- why that'd put us right at - carry the one, 6 guzzinta 48 8 times, lose the 2, ...hmmm, presumin' that Winter begins on the 20th most years, and ...carrying through... WHY, CRIKEY!!! Groun'og Day IS MIDWINTER'S DAY, and THAT'S why the phlippin' phuzzy Phil 'andlers proclaim, 'Six (an' a half!) more weeks o' winter!'" whew! I did it, I did! I figgered out what had heretofore NEVER entered me li'l pea-pickin' 'ead! An' I owes it allll to -- um, good ol', uh, whats-'is-name. No, not Phil! The OTHER guy... wrote what I was readin'...

Oh well, there ya 'ave it, the origins of GROUN'OG DAY!!! At least as far as I could calculate, that is. :D

Clarkfield Farms
03-18-2014, 11:11 AM
And if you think that was hard to READ through, well -- trying WRITING it! lol!

Ever since I was a little child (I know, most of you think I still am!), I never could figure out why they always made it seem like a BAD thing that we were going to have six more weeks of winter! I mean, look at us - how many of us in Maple Country really have spring arrive anywhere - ANYWHERE - on or before March 20-21? So, I stood bephuddled by Phil and phriends for decades until I phigured that little ditty out. And how has it benephited me or anyone else since? PHHHHBBTT!! Not one measly phurball's worth. Oops, juggling cats, possums, and groundhogs all in one thread! :D


03-18-2014, 11:54 AM
what on earth are your phreakin' talking about?

happy thoughts
03-18-2014, 12:11 PM
LOL That actually made sense to me. Maybe I too could become a possum juggler :o

Hoodie Hoo to all :) Let's hope this season gets going soon before we're all inmates in the same asylum.

KV Sappers
03-18-2014, 05:38 PM
Whew !!!!! If this beautiful rant on winter doesn't brighten your winter blues nothing will. Well done tim.