View Full Version : " ITS FINALLY HERE"
Jim Brown
12-31-2006, 07:31 AM
Well the new steamaway is here and sitting on the rig! WE got it plumbed and need to raise the 275 gallon feed tank a bit to get good drop. We are looking forward to firing soon.We had to refab the steam hood as the steamaway is 3 inches wider at the top than the rig. Temps here have been perfect for sugaring 25 at night and 45 during the day except it is DEC 31ST!. I'm hoping to be able to fire I have an appointment with a back surguen on Jan 9th to see what he is going to do with these two ruptured dice I have. Hopfully the recover won't be long and can begin drilling hole about the second week of Feb. I heard a report on Friday that someone in the Coudersport area of Pa had tapped was making beautiful light amber syrup. Can anyone confirm? If thats the case I'm late!!
Hope all have a great season!!
VA maple guy
12-31-2006, 04:56 PM
Jim, I don't think your late. It sounds like someone is doing some fall
sugaring. This warm January we had may have been good for suarging
in PA. I made some syrup last fall, but I don't have the time to do it this year. I hope your back will be ok for sugaring.
01-01-2007, 06:47 PM
Hope your back will allow you to make syrup this year. Your steam away project sounds like it has come together nicely! I think it is a little early to tap in northwest PA. We will try to hold till mid Feb and hope for a good freeze prior. We have our North West PA maple meeting scheduled for Jan 20 At Blooming Valley. Hope to see you there.
Dave Y
01-04-2007, 05:38 PM
Yes it is true I Have heard simalar reports from a friend that buys syrup. As amatter of fact someone in VT made 1100 gals of syrup. I guess the sugar content is quiet good 3.5
Breezy Lane Sugarworks
01-04-2007, 10:16 PM
as of Jan. 4th, the local WCAX 11:00 pm news, Tim Young of Waterville, VT has made 1300 gallons. I don't know his sugar content, but by watching that, it sure makes me want to go and put some taps in.
Jim Brown
01-05-2007, 07:54 AM
WHOORAY for the guy who had nerve enough to tap in Dec. not me!
01-06-2007, 04:13 AM
Actually I heard he started tapping in Nov. I live just one mountain over from him. And around here he has everyone in an uproar over the tap or not tap question. I for one am going to hold out till the first week of Feb. I would like to tap earlier but I have so much to do. And need more wood before I can even think about starting. It will be interesing to see how long he can go. They even had a UVM ag extention member say in the future we could have 5 months of sugaring caused be global warming.
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