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View Full Version : Wood burning finnishing unit ?? Possible ?

03-17-2014, 07:08 PM
Hello to All !

As I am splitting more wood into even smaller pieces and getting ready for the flood of sap I hope soon to flow, my mind wonders.

I batch boil and bring the almost syrup into the house. I am thinking that why not have a small homemade little stove that can burn scrap wood, bark etc that boils the almost syrup, that would cut down on "in the house time."

Instead of finishing with say propane, could someone finish with a small cute wood burning unit? Or is there too much uncontrolled heat from something like that?

Anyone have a wood fired finisher? Small type like I am talking about. After building my new arch, a small cute simple stove seems so easy and fun to build.

Thoughts ?


happy thoughts
03-17-2014, 07:37 PM
Sure. Why not? Wood fired cook stoves were all people had at one time. A small potbelly stove might be all you need.

03-17-2014, 08:33 PM
I finish all mine on my 275 evaporator,I have the 3 speed blower let the blower run on high towards the end,then there's not to much fire at that point,you have to learn how much wood and when to slow down putting wood in.then by turning the blower up and down till I reach 220 let it go down to 217 or so then back to 220 and it jumps up at you.HERE IS THE TRICK PART!! I have a piece of sheet metal that I slide under the pan between the fire and pan this SHUTS OFF THE FIRE then I welded 2 bars that over hang the evaporator to the side to slide the pan off on to on a angle so I can draw off out of the valve into the filters into the coffee urn!Works great!9258 look on the left side the 2 bars on a angle and tilted towards the valve,I will take some pics and post the sheet metal fire stop.

03-17-2014, 10:33 PM
As Happy thoughts say's, it's all they had at one time. That's the same argument I throw out to the naysayers of a mild steel pan, which I use to make gallons of excellent syrup. You'll have to watch it close, but then if you're finishing, you should be watching it close anyway? Go for it.

03-17-2014, 10:59 PM
there`s a video on youtube of a guy in vt using a English tin woodfired finisher, I heat with wood and have plenty of it, but it is nice to have fine adjustment of propane, when im running my evap at the same time. but I say try it out, but keep a eye on it . good luck

03-18-2014, 04:27 AM
I've never lost a batch yet,gota watch it that's where the piece of sheet metal comes in,my front pan sits on top of evaporator so I can slide the sheet metal under it to instantly shut the fire OFF !!!

03-18-2014, 08:42 PM
I have a small factory built wood stove I may try it with. I don't know what company made it or why they would make one so small, good for an outhouse maybe, lol.

It has two small circular lids that are removable with the lifter handle, it should boil sap.

I will post a pic of it one of these days when I pull it out of storage. Maybe someone can identify it.

I am even tempted to weld up a mild steel "pan" that fits perfect on top.

All this is due to the wife telling me what a mess I make on the kitchen stove,,,,sshhh,,,, she is right !!


Errin OH
03-18-2014, 10:58 PM
We have but I would say it needs to be a cook stove. The kind you can remove the cover/disk and the flames touch the pan. We heat water and cook on it now. It will eventually boil with disk on, but unless the remove the disk, just not enough heat transfer from a small stove. Jotel 602 mabye 12x16 with a 9" removable disk. Neat little stove perfect for small space like a cabin / shed.

As far as control goes, all we ever did was remove the pan when done........