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View Full Version : why doesn't my syrup taste like the "pure" maple syrup i've purchased before?

03-17-2014, 06:00 PM
Hello folks,
My syrup has more of a brown sugar butter scotch taste - everyone likes it but agree it's not like pure maple they have tasted before. Reminds me of an ice cream topping?? My first year sugaring, using a barrel evap & buffet pans, and have made approx 2 gal. Myself and a local small time sugar'r were both wondering why - his tastes like mine does. All i have are silver maples. I have hydrometer so I believe I'm finishing it right. I briefly searched and didn't see anything. Could it be my silver maples or the nature of batch boiling?

03-17-2014, 06:24 PM
Do you have a stack on your arch, and if so, how high is it. If not your syrup may be picking up some flavoring from the wood smoke. I had the same experience with my first rig - a small wood stove with a pan on the top. Our first syrup had a distinctive "smoky" flavor to it, but it was good.

When we went to the half pint, I had 6' of stack to help keep smoke away. You may also be getting small amounts of soot floating down into your pan - not something that happens with a sugarhouse due to the stack being outside. Because it's boiled down so far, lots of things can affect the taste of syrup. Good luck and keep at it.

03-17-2014, 06:40 PM
My syrup is also very sweet vanilla/butterscotchy, I also batch boil all my sap. Most of my sugar is coming from sugar maples. However I will sometimes (1/5 boils) light a fire nearby my rig upwind to keep warm and purposely introduce a smoky flavor, I think it helps make the vanilla/butterscotch flavor taste more unique.. I personally love the smokiness. Like you, I would also love to have a stronger maple flavor but I still really enjoy the vanilla/butterscotchy stuff I'm making.

happy thoughts
03-17-2014, 06:44 PM
What color is your syrup? Dark syrups have a more pronounced maple taste. Syrup made from early sap tends to be lighter and more delicate in flavor. And that said, there is no correct taste. Flavors vary across a wide range. Unless it tastes like old boiled socks it's still going to taste great on pancakes.

03-17-2014, 07:19 PM
Also remember that maple syrup is like wine, many batches have suttle differences. What it is cooked on, the soil the trees are in, how long it is cooked for, and the very trees the sap comes from all influence the flavor.

70 Buick
03-17-2014, 07:25 PM
It's funny many here want the light colored syrup

My family and freinds prefer the dark, we all find it has a much more pronounced maple flavour

Whatever floats your boat,

03-17-2014, 07:25 PM
The butterscotch flavor is not uncommon for me either. Usually the first boil of the year, but not every year. I keep it separate, as some folks really like it.

03-17-2014, 07:38 PM
A friend of mine taps 600 silvers and his syrup is excellent but is very butterscotch flavored year in and year out. Like wines I believe silvers have a different distinct flavor.
Some folks on here towards the eastern side say that red maple has a different taste. Our area around the Millacs lake area I can not tell any difference in color and or taste of the reds and sugars and most all run around 3 to 3.5% sugar.
Silvers have thier own distinct taste that is excellent but different in my opinion.

03-24-2014, 08:39 PM
I tap 40 or so boxelder tree's and keep that sap separate from the sugar maple sap. It has a pronounced butterscotch flavor compared to sugar maple. The boxelder is usually very light in color and it is best on ice cream. Just my opinion. It is still good on cakes or French toast.

03-24-2014, 08:59 PM
This year I tapped 2 reds 5 sugars and 16 silvers, I mix the sap.. very sweet and a little butterscotch flavor.

Mr Sugar Maple
03-24-2014, 09:00 PM
Our first maple syrup of the season is always very light in color, with a delicate maple flavor almost like vanilla.smells wonderful when cooking it.

08-13-2017, 06:18 PM
The flavour profiles of my batches of syrup are so predictable and consistent that it's ridiculous. Batches 1 and 2 are always really light and always have vanilla and marshmallow notes; batch #3 may still be light in colour but the flavour is becoming more maple-y; batches 4-5 are definitely textbook maple both in colour and taste; batch #6 usually starts to develop a dark colour and carry a brown sugar note. Batch #7, if I get one, may be almost molassesy to the taste and near black.

There are exceptions though....I've been lucky enough to never have any severe/noxious flavours (ie industrial or chemical) but I once had batch #4 carrying a light but noticeable smell and flavour of...fresh-cut hay. It was wonderful, but sadly the flavour and scent didn't last long and mellowed out.

Also you may want to check out the following: http://www.agr.gc.ca/eng/science-and-innovation/research-centres/quebec/saint-hyacinthe-research-and-development-centre/maple-syrup-flavour/flavour-wheel-for-maple-products/?id=1231363888838

08-14-2017, 07:32 PM
I once boiled down some sap from just norways, the first run of the season, and I would swear it was butter scotch. I loved it.