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View Full Version : What size float do I need?

Bucket Head
12-30-2006, 09:05 PM
I am going to build/weld a float box on the flue pan (2.5x4) of my home made 2.5x6 evaporator. What size float do I need to use? I looked at the floats in the Leader catalog but they do not specify the evaporator size with them. I'm also wondering why there are so many different size's?? Does the size of the pipe on the sap feed line or height of the feed tank have anything to do with the size of the float? I don't want to sound ignorant here, but I figured a float is a float and if it has buoyancy, it would close a shut-off valve. I am going to use a brass shut off valve that has a plunger for the shut off. Similar to a check valve, but not quite. Will that type of valve have any impact on the size of the float? What size float is on your evaporator? Any input on this would be appreciated. Thank's guy's.


12-31-2006, 06:59 AM
I belive the size of your float is determind by the size of the float box, and the size of your rig. Your best bet would be to measure a factory float box and then measure the float. The biggest thing with a float is its movement. It has to move freely no binding at all. And also what kind of adjustment it has. Is it a wing nut type , or does it have various holes in the top for depth adjustment. I klike the hole type for the back(flue) pan and the wing nut type for the front. I gives me greater control. (as long as I remember which way to turn it.)

Good luck

Fred Henderson
12-31-2006, 07:02 AM
On my home made 2'x6'6" I had a 3/4" feed pipe. The float was off an old evap made back in the 30's or 40's but the float part was actually too heavy so I made up a ladder assem out of 1/8"x 2" alu flat bar and took a piece of blue foam board 2"x 4"x10" and attached it to the ladder assem an it worked super. Shoot me a PM with your email and I will send a pic of it.