View Full Version : Do You social Media? Maple trader #hashtag? #mapletrader?

03-17-2014, 11:19 AM
Ok, so I realize sugaring is an old souls work but I think the Maple Trader community is a modern bunch and obviously Internet savvy.. i thought it would be nice to have a thread where we share ways to connect via social media.

I'm a photographer in my real life so I love using Instagram and other social media sites. I'm often on Maple trader reading, sometimes I enjoy looking on instagram or twitter at the hashtag #sugaring and #maplesyrup where I find a wealth of great photos from people making syrup all over North America from that very day!

I would love to see others from this community using the hashtag #mapletrader and sharing photos from their operations.

if you want to take it a step further you can find/friend me on:

Instagram and twitter username: @sandersonimages

Tumbler: http://pickingdaisies.net/

Share your info!


John Sanderson

03-17-2014, 11:39 AM
Does facebook count? If so, then yes. I don't use those other things.

03-17-2014, 11:58 AM
I started using twitter and instagram a little this year I know a few others on here who have twitter @tripled_dfarms twitter tripledfarms instagram.

03-17-2014, 12:08 PM
Why hastag it mapletrader? Why not just share it on mapletrader thats the whole intent of this site! I use facebook but realy dont understand or see the point to twitter

03-17-2014, 12:41 PM
mapletrader is the only social media site I take part in. as for the rest of it, I say just logoff and go hangout with real people.

03-17-2014, 12:58 PM
mapletrader is the only social media site I take part in. as for the rest of it, I say just logoff and go hangout with real people.

Agreed! We've had different families over for the past 4 days in a row to enjoy sugaring and good food. But I live way south of most sugaring operations so I have no choice but to stop by and say hi digitally. ;) As much as I'd LOVE to stop by everyone on Maple traders sugaring operations.. Its not in the budget this year.

03-17-2014, 02:51 PM
Does facebook count? If so, then yes. I don't use those other things.



03-17-2014, 03:19 PM
Why hastag it mapletrader? Why not just share it on mapletrader thats the whole intent of this site! I use facebook but really don't understand or see the point to twitter

The point to any social media outlet is to engage with an audience. Twitter helps you engage directly with your audience with conversation. simple. Instagram is the same but photographic. As a photographer, both of these sites have been indispensable and an easy free complete replacement for traditional advertising. I see a lot of Sugaring operations using these outlets to promote their brand and as far as I can tell it works for them too.

I have not tried using the photos section of maple trader site. As a photographer I prefer to post images on sites that I own anyway (or at least the profile). I also would need to see if I can do it from my phone (where all my sugaring photos are), this is what makes twitter and Instagram so easy. High quality images online in a few seconds from your phone and I own/moderate the profile where the images are stored. Getting the same images on Mapletrader is a touch more complicated, I don't think I could faithfully keep posting as often as I do on social media, I'd rather just make 1 post that automatically includes instagram, facebook, twitter, tumblr than post the same image in multiple places. This is also why a hashtag is so convenient, it posts the image to a location accessable to communities that can't be directly posted to. Just type it at the end of a post and everyone in that community can enjoy it without going through the "friending" process.