View Full Version : Tapping hybrid/cultivar maples

03-16-2014, 09:46 PM
I have a couple of large maples in the front yard that appear to be silver/red hybrids, possibly autumn blaze maple? They are both over 20 inches in diameter. Anyone tried tapping such a tree and have any idea what to expect?

Run Forest Run!
03-16-2014, 10:36 PM
I tap two Freeman maples, which are a hybrid of a silver maple and a red maple. Perhaps that's what you have. My two are excellent for tapping. Expect good things from them.

03-17-2014, 04:42 AM
Ahh, yes. After doing a little internet reading, I think freeman maples are exactly what I have! Especially based on the height and shape of the trees (one of them is 70-plus feet) and the shape of the leaves, which match what I have exactly. They also turn red in the fall. I already tapped one of them, just waiting on the weather to cooperate. It has only been running on one day so far and gave me a few ounces of sap.

Thanks for the info! I feel more optimistic about things now. I only have 5 trees tapped, so I need them to contribute. :)