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03-15-2014, 11:17 PM
Just got book "The Sugar Season" by Douglas Whynott. Looks interesting, has anybody read it?

04-12-2014, 10:15 AM
At the library, haven't even checked it out yet! Will probbaly have it read by the time I go collect sao at 6pm today :-)

04-13-2014, 09:39 AM
Well, it's an interesting book, learned a lot about the big industrial side of my hobby and about how RO works and so on. Lots of figures! And frankly the 'Rule of 86' is news to me and my trees, but will figure it out eventually.

For me, one sticking point though is the fact that the Director of the Proctor Maple Research Center, Dr Timothy Perkins, is named Timothy Prescott in the book....though in the Acknowledgements section at the back he is finally correctly named. May seem like a small thing to most, but having worked as a professional wordsmith in the past, that kind of thing bothers me.

Overall an informative book, though written a little on the dry side for my tastes. Take from it what you will.