View Full Version : New 3 x 10 arch done

03-15-2014, 08:48 AM
Thank you to everybody for all the help (advice) on the arch. Money added up fast had to cut some corners like the AOF, so have some improvements to make for next year but adding pans and then filling with water real some to check the pans for leaks I know real late but work kept me busy some weekends). The nice thing is after running 1000 ft of tubing yesterday farmer came up to me with a surprise, Friend of his was going to scrap his 300 gallon milk tank and he grabbed it and said I could use it whenever I wanted but not keep it what a deal. Here are some pics. Cleaning everything and then going to collect sap this afternoon.91899190919191929193

03-27-2014, 07:49 PM
what are the dimensions of your firebox? Looks good, good luck with your unit.

03-27-2014, 09:11 PM
Looks great, I need a neighbour like that, lol.

Happy trails !!

03-27-2014, 10:55 PM
Thanks I made the firebox about 33 inches after insulation and brick and the grates and ash pan are 39 inches long but technally because of great advice from here made firebox 78 inches long so next year I can add aof. Last weekend I didn't push too hard but boiled 150 gallons in sap in less than 2 hrs. Hopefully this weekend and all next week get alot of sap to put this unit to true test. The 300 gallon tank works awesome just wish it had shocks so it wasn't so bumpy.