View Full Version : White mt

white mt
03-15-2014, 08:28 AM
We'll thought I would through my thread on the list I read all you guys updates each day As for me feels like I'm stuck in the middle just big enough to need hundreds of gallons of sap to get started wash the ro and have some to boil and than rinse membrane. With this cold I'm to far north to get going at all just not the sap to start . I'm sure I'm not alone in this . If the weather change doesn't happen soon I'm taking up beer making . Good luck to all

03-15-2014, 08:38 AM
Not sure where you are in NH, but here in Littleton area, I normally make half my syrup April. Some years, nearly all of it was in April.

white mt
03-15-2014, 08:56 AM
Perry I am in the very northern end of Thornton north of some parts of Woodstock. Hope you are right about April, we should be ok if it is a slow warm up.

white mt
03-15-2014, 03:29 PM
no big sap run today It needs a few days of 40+ to open up I think.

Homestead Maple
03-16-2014, 09:53 PM
Perry I am in the very northern end of Thornton north of some parts of Woodstock. Hope you are right about April, we should be ok if it is a slow warm up.

Hopefully that's what will happen..... a slow warm up when it gets this late in the season. It wasn't to many years ago, (maybe 6 -7) that I was making syrup April 22nd and then had to leave for a wedding in Vegas. I think others around here went another 4 days so the last week of April isn't out of the question. Like you say, so long as it's a sloooooow warm up.

Russell Lampron
03-17-2014, 05:40 AM
We are hoping for a slow warm up down here too. I didn't tap one year until March 13th and was all done on the 1st of April. Another year I tapped at the end of February and boiled until the 21st of April. I hope to boil into late April again this season.

03-17-2014, 05:21 PM
This time last year we were busy, hope like others have said its a slow thaw and not bang over. Lot of snow lot of cold weather and tonight -10 here. Ice in holding tanks from pipeline and buckets also ice.

white mt
03-18-2014, 06:45 AM
Just watched the weather for next week and wished I hadn't .Arctic cold back on its way

03-18-2014, 07:05 PM
We sit across from Colebrook. Had a good run this afternoon. Will be boiling again tomorrow and should be getting some more sap in during the day. We look good next four days then the Artic cold is back (hopefully for the last time). We have 4-5 feet of snow in the sugarbush.

white mt
03-20-2014, 06:05 AM
Woke this am to find one foot of new snow outside so much for the 3-5 still waiting for my first boil of the season can't believe it .oh happy spring everyone good luck to all

Homestead Maple
03-20-2014, 07:35 PM
We sit across from Colebrook. Had a good run this afternoon. Will be boiling again tomorrow and should be getting some more sap in during the day. We look good next four days then the Artic cold is back (hopefully for the last time). We have 4-5 feet of snow in the sugarbush.

Maybe it's the mountains and the elevation that my trees are at but I've noticed that you have sap runs when things here aren't even beginning to run. I have may be 2 -3 feet of snow in the woods but the snow was a lot deeper a week or so a go but the rain last Wednesday did help settle the snow a lot then. There's no sign of the snow melting back away from the base of the trees here but with 4 - 5 of snow up your way it doesn't seem to make any difference with your trees running. If your across from Colebrook, maybe it's your sugarbush that I can see across the way from Conrad Chapple's on Meridan Hill Rd?

white mt
03-21-2014, 06:26 AM
From the looks of the forecast I predict the start of boiling and our season in my area to start the 28th of March give or take a day .we get up in the high 30s Maybe 40 deg on a good day say by 4pm than falls below freezing by 10 pm just not time to really get going

03-21-2014, 03:15 PM
Maybe it's the mountains and the elevation that my trees are at but I've noticed that you have sap runs when things here aren't even beginning to run. I have may be 2 -3 feet of snow in the woods but the snow was a lot deeper a week or so a go but the rain last Wednesday did help settle the snow a lot then. There's no sign of the snow melting back away from the base of the trees here but with 4 - 5 of snow up your way it doesn't seem to make any difference with your trees running. If your across from Colebrook, maybe it's your sugarbush that I can see across the way from Conrad Chapple's on Meridan Hill Rd?

I was thinking the same thing. The day the SJDOYAN posted that I wa in the woods all day tapping my bush in Littleton and there was only a few holes that were wet at all. At the end of the day, no sap had even made it out of the end of the mainline. Yesterday, I tapped another small bush in Lyman with 30 taps and there was not a single hole that was wet.

03-21-2014, 08:19 PM
You can see our sugarbush on the VT side of the river when sitting at the closed rest area on route 3 just a couple miles north of Colebrook. We have a spot light on the sugarhouse, easy to see on the mountain at night. We are running vacuum at 25" normally and find we are sometimes 5-7 degrees warmer at our elevation than down in town. We get sap runs on days when none of the sugarmakers around us do. We notice running high vacuum makes a big difference on days that are marginal.

Maybe it's the mountains and the elevation that my trees are at but I've noticed that you have sap runs when things here aren't even beginning to run. I have may be 2 -3 feet of snow in the woods but the snow was a lot deeper a week or so a go but the rain last Wednesday did help settle the snow a lot then. There's no sign of the snow melting back away from the base of the trees here but with 4 - 5 of snow up your way it doesn't seem to make any difference with your trees running. If your across from Colebrook, maybe it's your sugarbush that I can see across the way from Conrad Chapple's on Meridan Hill Rd?

white mt
03-28-2014, 06:29 AM
We'll still waiting for the season to start at this rate we are looking at a repeat of the two week season of 2009 and for the opposite reason cold

03-28-2014, 03:13 PM
it's always better waiting through a cold spell than a warm spell. at least the trees won't bud.

white mt
03-28-2014, 05:37 PM
That's true perry cold is better my hope is it could loosen up some tomorrow

Russell Lampron
03-28-2014, 07:27 PM
With what I've got for overnight lows in the 10 day forecast it looks like you guys should be getting some good freeze thaw cycles up there. I hope you do. Somebody's got to have a good season this year.

white mt
03-30-2014, 06:51 PM
Had my first boil of the year today . Well at least it wasn't April .felt good to have a little to show finely for a tone of work we must love this if we did not know one would do it

03-30-2014, 07:09 PM
probably gonna have enough sap tomorrow for my first gather of the season.