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View Full Version : Not sure, but this seems like a very good deal….30x60

03-12-2014, 03:01 PM

I would see if Jim could make it a divided pan, add a blower of course, maybe a float and front pan. Are the crossbars going to cause any problems? What else am I not seeing?

maple flats
03-12-2014, 06:27 PM
The air in-too small without the blower added. The stack will cause the heat to funnel to the small stack, the back of the pan at the corners will get far too little heat. Could you change the stack an make a wide transition starting with at least 24" wide at the base then taper up to the stack?

Errin OH
03-12-2014, 09:00 PM
I think the cross bars will cause issue at some point. It looks like the whole top is made from 1" square tube, I would just about bet you will have gaps around the edges (pan) in no time and it starts warpping. Just how do you get the ashes out? Through that little door? That screen seems kind of pointless. Based on my experance, I would say that the sides better be some hefty plate and not thin sheet. Looks like a of mods needed to make the arch perform.

03-13-2014, 05:17 AM
Yup, definitely not going there. Too much needed to fix. It was fun to think about a bigger evaporator for a bit. Thanks Folks!