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View Full Version : Sap Ladder or Booster?

Tappy Sap Master
03-12-2014, 05:36 AM
I have a milk bucket washer as a releaser. So here is my dilemma, I have about 300 ft of mainline sloped at 2% to the lowest point in my woods, from there I have about 75' of black line which is connected to the 300' and runs uphill to my shack, at approximately 12 -14 ft of vertical height. The float in my releaser wont work if I increase the vac any higher than 17-18" hg, should I install a ladder or booster so I don't have to pump it from the low point to the storage barrels. Now under full vac I can pull it uphill no problem, but the releaser wont reset. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Tappy Sap Master
03-12-2014, 05:41 AM
Is it possibly creating a head in the line until it gets to a certain point then sends it to the releaser?

03-12-2014, 06:47 AM
Put in a two smaller sap ladders. you shouldn't lose too much vacuum, and you can get the sap to the releaser. 17 inches will be fine for this, if you have two 8 ft ladders in two places for a total of 4 ladders, to lift the volume from 300 taps. eventually if you add more taps or higher vacuum you may want to add more ladders near the two you have.

03-12-2014, 07:03 AM
Ladder will elevate the sap for a sloped run to the releaser. Sounds like you are having an issue with an air lock situation. I had similar a few days ago. Air bubble caught between 1" pipe full of sap and a whip to a dry line. The vac...27" was pulling from both directions and not allowing the bubble to allow sap to flow. Solution was to open the wet line and run it back to the whip and thru the dryline. Slug of air was agood three seconds then back to a high flow of sap for another 20 seconds.

03-12-2014, 08:13 AM
Does this releaser work on the same principle as a Bender? When you say it won't reset, do you mean that after it finishes dumping, the float won't pull the float rod off the vacuum inlet? Benders were made to work at lower vacuum levels. On mine, at 21 inches, it won't pull the float rod off the vacuum inlet by itself. It took 2 SS nuts on top of the float to make the float heavier. Or have I missed the problem entirely?

Tappy Sap Master
03-12-2014, 06:53 PM
I installed 2 4-way ladders & it resolved my issues

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

Tappy Sap Master
03-12-2014, 06:58 PM
Sorry about the different replies stiil trying trying to figure out tapatalk. So the ladders r 6 1/2' long. What a difference! '

Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk

03-12-2014, 07:37 PM
The bottom star fittings need to be upside down, as in the T in the mainline pointing down so the sap runs into the star fitting then is sucked up by the tubes, this will give much better vac transfer as your mainline wont be full of sap trying to bubble the air and gasses thru it, and wont fill as much to freeze either

03-12-2014, 07:55 PM
yes, do what markct said, and turn the ones on top upside down so sap can fall into the line and keep vac as well.

03-12-2014, 08:11 PM
Good point I missed that the top ones were upside down too!

Tappy Sap Master
03-13-2014, 05:16 AM
You know I should have known that too. I guess I was in a mad dash to get it done before the winter storm crap started!