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View Full Version : New York State Tax Info.

12-24-2006, 03:15 AM
I had a friend tell me that in a local paper there was an article that Pataki passed a bill or something along that line.He said it had to do with maple production and new sap houses.Can anyone give more info to that?He can't remember where he read it.
Thanks Lee.

super sappy
12-24-2006, 05:40 AM
The last issue of the Maple News had a blip about it.Basically a 10 year period of no tax increase on your property taxes for the construction of a new sugarhouse.I will have to go back and re read to make sure ,It has been a wile since I read about it.-super sappy

Fred Henderson
12-24-2006, 05:46 AM
I bill was passed that said if you put up and new sugar house that you could get some tav exemption for 10 years but you could not sell syrup out of it. The fine detail I do not know. Ask you local tax people. I saw the article in a farm related paper and I don't remember which.

12-24-2006, 07:43 AM
There is a short article in "The Pipeline", the newsletter published by the NY state Maple Producers. Basically says that the tax exemption applies to new structures only and that your local assessor must be notified within 1 year of completing the structure.

12-24-2006, 10:07 AM
Thank You All for the input.

12-24-2006, 11:01 AM
I knoe here in ohio if the shack is not pemanantly anchored to the ground it is considered a temporary structure and TAX FREE thats what my assessor said and why my shack is on condrete blocks with a footer hid unter each litle block.

12-28-2006, 01:21 PM
hey lee ! kevin. the artical read that if you build a new sugar house this year that your tax's will not increase on your land for ten years. i don't know about you but it seems that my tax's go up every year regardless of structures.