View Full Version : AOF test

03-11-2014, 08:03 AM
Here is a video of my arch with the AOF turned off mid way through a 10 minute burn cycle. Notice how all of the unburned gases dissapear after the AOF gets turned on. This is a 2x4 arch with 75 cfm AUF.


03-12-2014, 09:09 PM
Hi Dave:

It looks like you have a blower going before the AOF goes on,,,,correct?
I am just curious as to how much smoke you have with AUF blower on and before AOF on.


03-14-2014, 11:32 AM
Terry, the AUF is on through out this video. I should do one just after firing. There is not much smoke in this mid-burn cycle. I just thought it was pretty cool seeing all of the smoke dissapear when the AOF go turned on.