View Full Version : Tapped a dozen in Vernon County yesterday (3-9-14)
03-10-2014, 09:33 PM
First warm day! Tapped a dozen at "the farm" and another 3 at home. Second year of tapping - goal is 3 gallons, but wife already promised 5 for next Christmas,...I love this! Snowshoes, dog, quiet sun and 40 in the woods. Doesn't get any better than this. Good Luck everyone.
Last year: 5 gallon pail over propane and fireplace, 2 gallons syrup. This year 2x4 ss pan with iron rack and outside fire.
Mr Sugar Maple
03-10-2014, 10:01 PM
Sundays 45 degrees was great day to be in the woods on snowshoes. good luck this season, sounds like you and your wife have the maple bug like the rest of us.
Irish Ridge
03-10-2014, 11:02 PM
Have to agree that Sunday afternoon in the woods was great. Put 45 taps in with only two or three dripping. I spent today widening trails and tapping three more trees that will most likely cause at least one twisted ankle, wet seat from falling down the hill, or some other adventure story by the end of the season. Heard a hen yelp and a loud gobble. First reaction was to get down and figure out how to get to him but that is six weeks from now. Tonight's task is learning how to use my hydrometer. I can see why this is addicting.
Irish Ridge
03-14-2014, 10:05 PM
Instead of one in ten of my trees running, I now have nine of ten running. This wind has now become my enemy as my pails get blown over. My first day of collecting sap and I now look forward to a fire. Life is good on the ridge, even saw robins this morning.
Mr Sugar Maple
03-18-2014, 09:00 PM
My son,Grandson, family friend and I spent Saturday the 15th, and Sunday the 16th at our sugar bush. Saturday morning we gathered 30 gals of sap from the 100 taps I put in the weekend before.stored it in a 100 gal tank covered with snow. Then tapped 100 more, most were dripping even on the north side of the hill. Sunday morning 13 degrees, sure was cold in our valley. 6 to 12 inches of snow in the woods yet. did some work in the sugar house then went home. last week on the 11th I was up north at Maple Hollow in Merrill Wisconsin. They were still tapping their woods. sure is a great operation they have there. My equipment and supplies came from them, Great folks to work with and they know there stuff.
03-20-2014, 10:52 PM
Got 5 gallons from 2 trees in backyard - boiling over stove -wife is dubious. Going to "farm" tomorrow w/dog to boil what I predict is 60 gallons sap from 12 trees. Life is great. Open fire with 2x4 pan - did I mention the Dog?
Mr Sugar Maple
03-20-2014, 10:57 PM
I went to our sugar bush Wednesday and gathered 90 gallons of sap, most from the trees on top of our hill. Only about 15 gallons came off the northern hill side.have 120 gallons to evaporate Saturday, will gather more Friday afternoon. The snow is 8 inches in the valley, 3-4 inches on top. Hope to still use our snowmobile to gather, as the is snow still too deep for the 4 wheeler. the ridge road can become a challenge as it gets melted down to ice. 200 taps
Irish Ridge
03-21-2014, 08:15 AM
Boiled 60 gallons yesterday so I can now say I have done that. What a day! Spelled a few times by my wife so I could go empty buckets. What a day to be outside. Next boil is Saturday and should have another 60 collected. Just two trees playing hard to get and one gets tapped today that I had forgotten. My snow conditions are the same as you Mr. SM. I have a Kawasaki mule that I have to use early in the day and even then only on the ridge top trail. By noon I am fighting melting snow and mud. If it was dry I could get at another 15 trees as well. I got lots of advice before going into this but no one shared how stiff I would be this morning....
Irish Ridge
03-23-2014, 08:52 PM
Boiled 55 gallons of sap yesterday. Started before daylight to finish before the badger game. Actually had some people driving by stop in to watch. They knew from the smoke stack from years back what was going on. Anyway my next boil starts at 7 am Monday morning. Just hoping that the snow in the forecast holds off until much later in the day. Checking buckets today, I found frozen lines and buckets and a much deserved day to catch up around the shack.
Mr Sugar Maple
03-24-2014, 09:32 PM
I went over to our sugar bush on March 21st, worked in the sugar house,flushed out the evaporator then used the snowmobile to gather on the north hillside, got about 30 gallons. Then drove the snowmobile up top to gather.The snow was mostly gone so I had to carry the sap farther. The air temp was 53 degrees my two gallon pails were mostly half full to overflowing. Boy when the cold front came thru the trees really slowed down I got about 170 gallons. total saved sap 320 gallons. Saturday March 22nd sunny windy 26 degrees my son came to help me, started with 250 gallons in the bulk tank with 70 gallons stored up top. Took two hours to make the sweet water ,then made 5 gallons of light amber syrup . The sap stored up top leaked out, every season we learn from our mistakes. Sunday March 23rd sunny windy 11 degrees,picked up the front pan to take home and clean. Saw blue birds, heard red winged black birds and sand hill cranes.
Irish Ridge
03-26-2014, 07:17 AM
Nice report from the Kickapoo. Pretty much the same conditions by me. I am actually enjoying the chance to catch up on the support work associated with this addiction. My trees have taken a few days off as well. I will "finish" my last boil on the gas stove this morning. Then, because of your report I have blue bird houses to clean in short order. I didn't know the scouts had already arrived. We usually track their progress north online. We did see cedar wax wings on Saturday. Time to get the day rolling....
Irish Ridge
03-30-2014, 09:54 PM
Sunday evening, March 30...a great temp to collect sap this afternoon but the flies and other flying bugs also decided to come out big time as well. Also the snow is pretty much gone even on the north facing slopes, now it is contending with slippery leaves and mud. Sap is running well to the point I am having a hard time keeping up and I don't look forward to my outdoor arch with the high wind forecasts of the next few days. Saw the concern about buds in one of the other threads but nothing even close on my trees. Have to believe that the results in Vernon County are similar. Enjoy the season.
Mr Sugar Maple
03-31-2014, 09:09 PM
My grandson and I went to our sugar bush on Friday march 28th, nice day 45 degrees we got 170 gallons up top and 30 gallons on the north hillside. still used the snowmobile on the north hillside, 4-6 inches yet. My son came early Saturday morning March 29th we took the time to pull out the flu pan to clean the underside. what a job. we made 6 gallons of syrup all light- medium amber. Then went and gathered 100 more gallons sap, what a great evening in the woods. My grandson found out just how much work it is to make maple syrup. Sunday morning March 30th 24 degrees warming up fast lots of mud by the sugar house we made 3 gallon syrup, done 1pm so my son and grandson went home. I did some cleaning in the sugar house then went up top to check the sap run, not too great only 8-16 ounces in each pail the 60 degrees slowed the run down. Monday March 31st I gathered 50 gallons up top and 30 gallons north side hill, The pails had lots of moths and spiders and the the spouts were mostly dry. I used the 4 wheeler most of the snow gone.The day warmed up yo 65 degrees super windy , wonder if my pails are still on the trees. went home 2pm. Heard a gobbler this morning
04-02-2014, 10:27 PM
Enjoying your posts from the Kickapoo Valley. I've got 12 trees tapped and tubed to 5 gal buckets all on north-facing slope. Won't be getting back to my little sugar bush until next week. I'm hoping the sap stays just cool enough and doesn't spoil before I can get back there.
04-03-2014, 11:55 AM
We cooked down our first 100 gallons on Sunday. Left 10 gallons in the pan to start again this weekend and finish off our fist batch of the season. Tuesday and especially Wednesday were very good days for the trees. We collected another 52 gallons on Wednesday from our 32 taps. Hoping to get another nice run on Saturday and Sunday.
04-03-2014, 09:40 PM
tapped 12 -should have 50 ga plus 15 from home - looking to boil 75-80 over fire this weekend in 2X4 ss pan with a flange of sheet metal to fend off firewood smoke. I feel like Ben Franklin or Tom Jefferson experimenting with early methods -only wish I was as smart. Got a good Woman and Dog who support me (note the caps). And a family that LOVES maple syrup. Can think of worse hobbies - good luck all.
04-03-2014, 10:04 PM
tapped 12 -should have 50 ga plus 15 from home - looking to boil 75-80 over fire this weekend in 2X4 ss pan with a flange of sheet metal to fend off firewood smoke. I feel like Ben Franklin or Tom Jefferson experimenting with early methods -only wish I was as smart. Got a good Woman and Dog who support me (note the caps). And a family that LOVES maple syrup. Can think of worse hobbies - good luck all.
Irish Ridge
04-04-2014, 03:22 PM
April 4 update from high a top Irish Ridge. The trees did not seem to mind the high wind this week and even today. But I did. It shut down my home made oil tank converted arch one afternoon. This cat has no intention of burning down a woods with a wayward ash. Finishing off two gallons right now inside on the gas stove. This is my first batch of the season with a darker color. I have 80 gallons just waiting to boil early tomorrow morning. 49 trees this year and at the end of the season there will be some serious thinking done on which trees were one and done. A couple old trees must be pooped out, a few are located down the slope too far, and poop me out hauling buckets up to the mule, and finally my home made "still" which some folks driving by on the road call it, just can't keep up with the volume. You called it right Tom30. There are certainly worse hobbies. Agreed - good luck southwest Wisconsin.
Mr Sugar Maple
04-07-2014, 09:02 PM
Monday April 7th I returned home from our sugar bush, totally bushed. this last week I gathered on Monday March 31st Wednesday April 2nd Friday April 4th to evaporate on Saturday April 5th Had 480 gallons of sap stored . we made 6.50 gallons of dark amber syrup. Then on the hill top by 6:30 am Sunday April 6th to gather got about 245 gallons of sap to evaporate Sunday. Made 5.25 Gallons dark amber syrup. Had to call it a day 6:30 pm. Monday April 7th went up top to gather, only about 50 gallons from 150 taps and 40 gallons from the north hillside. Looks like the season is done , temps at night too warm. Still have some snow on the ridge road, gone other wise. our rate has been about 35 gallons of sap to one gallon of syrup.Still have 320 gallons of sap to evaporate. Hear peepers in the marsh you know what that means.
Irish Ridge
04-09-2014, 09:38 PM
Not sure if we are tapping the same trees, Mr Sugar Maple but had the exact same experience. Sunday afternoon emptied all 49 buckets. Tuesday morning I went to collect sap and found next to nothing. That finding answered the big question going around in my mind. Yep, the season is over. One boil remaining and several "finishes" on the gas stove. I also took a look at how much clean up now begins. That will be a good day and a half. I still have to do the math to get my final numbers but am very pleased with the season.
Mr Sugar Maple
04-09-2014, 10:01 PM
I am planning to cook my remaining 230 gallons of sap Thursday, have been worrying about sap spoiling with this warm temps.Monday afternoon the sap was 40 degrees. I will let you know how it turns out.My job comes first,and it is hard to get some help mid week. next Sunday night thru Wednesday looks like syrup temps. depends on how far along the trees are.
Mr Sugar Maple
04-11-2014, 09:11 PM
I went over Thursday morning to evaporate the 230 gallons of sap, the sap was at 45 degrees. We did a test taste was good then boiled some in a pan was good to go cooked it down. made 7.25 gallons of dark amber syrup. still have 90 gallons of sap in my hill top tank buried in snow and covered. will evaporate that Saturday morning. Will empty my pails and wait to see with the cold spell if the trees will run with good sap. Also have eight apple trees to plant,hope the rain is not to heavy.
Irish Ridge
04-13-2014, 06:32 PM
Friday was my last boil. Evaporated 70 gallons and now have two remaining finishes to do Monday morning on the gas stove in the kitchen. The rain just continues and I am glad I am done for the spring. Can't imagine how muddy and slippery the woods are right now. Yet I will be out in those same woods Wednesday hunting ol Tom. Guess I'll let him walk over to me.
Irish Ridge
04-14-2014, 08:46 PM
I'm done! Ended up with 17 gallons of syrup from my 49 tapped trees. Can't believe the difference in color between my first and last gallon of syrup. Learned a lot. Thought it would be a one person job but quickly learned that I couldn't keep up by myself. My wife who wanted no part of it all winter but got in to it real quick. I also found that friends aren't shy about asking for samples. Started clean up today and am already thinking about next year. Hope everyone has a strong finish to the season.
Mr Sugar Maple
04-14-2014, 09:35 PM
I sure am glad you enjoyed your season, mine went well also but will take weeks too recover lost sleep. We cooked 80 gallons of sap Saturday morning, made 2.25 gallons of dark amber syrup. Also had 8 apple trees to plant and fence off to keep the deer from destroying them. While planting, the hail storm came thru very loud in the woods, we made a bee line for the sugar house,the hail bouncing off our heads sure hurt . Up to three quarter inch size. I plan to check my pails Wednesday but think the trees are too far advanced for good sap. Hope you get your turkey, what a thrill to call in an old tom. Guess I will miss this season, my son and I will be out in South Dakota we have a 40 acre gold claim there. Still have all the clean up ahead, what fun. Happy Easter and God bless.
Mr Sugar Maple
04-18-2014, 09:32 PM
Well I am glad I waited just a little longer. The sap ran on Tuesday and Wednesday so this Thursday I gathered 200 gallons of sap was not buddy. A friend and I will evaporate on Saturday. I did pull my buckets and spouts on Thursday. Happy Easter to all.
Mr Sugar Maple
04-21-2014, 09:31 PM
On Saturday April 19th we cooked my saved 200 gallons of sap. the sap temp in the bulk tank was 43 degrees. No foul smells sure am glad I kept it, made five and a quarter gallons stronger tasting dark amber syrup. Then got the bulk tank flushed out, cant let mold get started, hard to remove. My season total is forty two gallons of syrup. had forty four gallons in 2013. Still have to roll up the eight hundred feet of main line ,clean the evaporator, organize the sugar house wash two hundred pails. two hundred spouts . Then the wood cutting begins, must be a labor of love, to call this enjoyment. God Bless.
Irish Ridge
07-23-2014, 06:46 AM
Well, I'm now all in. After asking my neighbor numerous times about when I should bring back his oil tank evaporator, I told him I was tired of asking and being told, we'll get to it. I asked him how much he needed. He named a price and I said "sold." I am now all in.
It was fun rereading the posts this morning and thinking back about the good times. Was way too busy then. Am now cutting wood for the house and the sap in 90 plus degree heat.
Mr Sugar Maple - sounds like you had a strong finish to the season. Nice! Had an uncle (now deceased) who also had a claim out west. Not sure how his worked. I know he had to work it every so often or he lost the claim. Only in America.
Have a good summer everyone. God bless.
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