View Full Version : Second year , MUCH better results so far

03-10-2014, 05:50 PM
Last year I used the block arch system.... UGH.. I thought it was cool and fun, and this is what its like. WELL, this year I built an oil tank evaporator. 2- 24x24 pans. MUCH better results. I didn't have to baby sit it the whole time. We boiled down approx. 30 gallons yesterday and ended up with 6 pints of awesome golden syrup. Last year I only used a thermometer to guage when it was finished. This year used the hydrometer. Only had 18 taps last year, up to 50 this year and still looking for more trees on my 10 acres. So far my wife and nephew collected 40 gallons of sap today while I am working. Gonna be another busy weekend. Between this site and all of the knowledge on here, and YOUTUBE, so far it has been a good year..
Even though I haven't asked many questions, I have researched a lot on here. THANKS EVERYONE.

03-10-2014, 07:50 PM
Hey Newmod - Good for You and Your Team. I have about half my trees tapped and today it hit 45F and still no sap. But it will happen - even here. lol The Syrup Hydrometer is Your most important tool - Took me several years to learn that. Now that I use one - my maple syrup --is-- Maple Syrup.

03-13-2014, 08:35 AM
Nothing over here in Oscoda, MI as well. Thinking it may be a short run if the temps don't start that necessary cycle soon; may go to 50+ days and above freezing nights before a run starts. Hope not!

03-13-2014, 10:59 AM
Last year I used the block arch system.... UGH.. I thought it was cool and fun, and this is what its like. WELL, this year I built an oil tank evaporator. 2- 24x24 pans. MUCH better results. I didn't have to baby sit it the whole time. We boiled down approx. 30 gallons yesterday and ended up with 6 pints of awesome golden syrup. Last year I only used a thermometer to guage when it was finished. This year used the hydrometer. Only had 18 taps last year, up to 50 this year and still looking for more trees on my 10 acres. So far my wife and nephew collected 40 gallons of sap today
while I am working. Gonna be another busy weekend. Between this site and all of the knowledge on here, and YOUTUBE, so far it has been a good year..
Even though I haven't asked many questions, I have researched a lot on here. THANKS EVERYONE.

My first year I did the block arch as well. The guy that got me started also said I had to use an old fashion hand drill also!
Again fun for a minute but after about 20 holes or so it got pretty old. I have since made a 2x4 steel frame with insulated box with 3 natural gas pipe burners. Works sooo much better and I'm not a slave to it when boiling. I use a self feeder tank and check it about every hour till I get close to syrup. I don't think I would have continued making syrup otherwise. Much more enjoyable for the family now make a fire for the kids and everyone has fun!

03-13-2014, 11:15 AM
got a picture of your setup? This is my second year and I'm using a turkey fryer. I have 10 taps and 5 gallon buckets on each so expecting 50 gallons on saturday when I check them. I need a better way to boil all of this down...

03-13-2014, 11:46 AM
I am using an oil tank setup this year. I used a block arch last year for the taps that I had. I do have 3 steam pans from last year and 3 brand new ones that I was going to use this year for sale. No need for them now. The block arch worked for what I needed

03-13-2014, 11:50 AM
Look over on the "HOMEMADE EQUIPMENT" forum. there is a pic of my new setup on there. it is called "TANKENSTEIN"

03-13-2014, 04:07 PM
Nothing over here in Oscoda, MI as well. Thinking it may be a short run if the temps don't start that necessary cycle soon; may go to 50+ days and above freezing nights before a run starts. Hope not!

Fr. Jeff - We shall see. It has been interesting so far - as usually - I have all my trees tapped. This year - with the cold weather and snow - motivation has been a problem for me. I hope the weather breaks well for all of us soon - as a boil and some fresh maple syrup would be a good thing. What will be - will be. ---Mike---