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View Full Version : Woods Flooded - Effect on Trees?

RC Maple
03-08-2014, 08:14 PM
One of the woods I tap had 1.5 ft of water flowing through it on Feb 22. Since then - we haven't had much weather for runs - but those trees are doing very little compared to the other trees I have tapped that weren't in high water. Has anyone had experience with trees that may have been "stunned" like that? I can move those taps to another woods and may do so if they don't do anything tomorrow. With a potentially shorter season I don't want to risk checking near empty buckets when I could move them.

03-09-2014, 05:27 PM
I have had lots of flood experience. Move the buckets if you can, if for no other reason that it may flood again and you lose the buckets. I lost several hundred taps with hurricane Irene, mainly from the trees disappearing or the roots being exposed.

RC Maple
03-10-2014, 07:37 AM
I did go down that day with hip waders on and get all the buckets. Most were still a foot above the water but with the ice constantly jamming up I thought the water may come up in a hurry. I put those trees "on notice" for yesterday - If they didn't straighten up I wasn't going to waste my time with them. Well yesterday wasn't much of a run but they did run and were dripping pretty good when I gathered last night. They ran just as well as the other trees. Looks like I'll ride it out like it is.

Burnt sap
03-11-2014, 11:09 AM
Hello there, I have had plenty of water in the sugar bush over the years mostly due to ice jams as our bush is located along the river. This water will stay only a short time and has no effect on sap production only on gathering. Have lost some equipment due to sudden rise of water levels. Best advice if you can move to higher ground do so or run pipeline high enough to stay out of flood levels that's what I did. Good luck.