View Full Version : who else in upstate ny is buried in snow yet and dragging feet on tapping

03-08-2014, 06:30 PM
2012 was my first year going from buckets to tubing and I was tapped the second week in December,2013 I tapped third week of January,this year we still have 3ft of snow in the sugar bush and it in a north facing gut so it doesn't get much sun,here it is march and I haven't even thought about tapping yet,i have two trees on buckets I put out 3 weeks ago and haven't got a drop of sap yet,

03-08-2014, 08:36 PM
Im probably 60 northeast of you and am going to tap on the 12th. I have a few test taps out and even though it was near 40 today they didnt run more than a few drops. Everything is frozen solid here. Still have knee deep snow here and possible storm coming on Thursday.