View Full Version : Mass Maple association Annual Meeting and trade show

12-21-2006, 02:10 PM
For all you in Ma. that are members or want to become members, our annual meeting,trade show and seminar is coming up come say hello, learn a few things, check out the trade show(Hopefully The Maple Guys will be there !)

you should be receiving this by email and the newsletter if your a member


The Mass Maple Association annual meeting will be held at Mohawk High School in Buckland, MA on Saturday January 13, 2006.

With consideration of all the sugar maple defoliation we suffered in 2005 and 2006, our afternoon educational program with be a presentation on Forest Tent Caterpillar and Anthracnose.

Topics covered will include:
How these forest health issues effect the Massachusetts maple industry
Identification of FTC and Anthracnose damage
Assessment techniques for tree health, egg mass counts
Options for damage prevention, such as aerial spraying
Future outlook for these forest health problems
You will soon be receiving a mailing about the annual meeting along with the Fall/Winter newsletter.

Any questions? Reply to this email or call me at 413-628-3268
Tom McCrumm, Coordinator

Hope to see you all there.

hard maple
12-22-2006, 10:02 AM
Hi Jim
I'll see you there!
Have a merry christmas

12-22-2006, 10:06 AM
Looking forward to see you, and hopefully many more !