View Full Version : Hot syrup refractometer

03-06-2014, 07:52 PM
Hi all,

Does anyone know of an inexpensive refractometer than can be used for hot sap/syrup? All of the Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) models I've seen on line only compensate for temps between 0-30oC or 32-86oF. Initially, it seemed like a no brainer to use a refractometer over a hydrometer since on a cost basis they seem close, and you're less likely to break a refractometer. But now it would seem to get an affordable refractometer you'd have to cool your boiling sap/syrup down before you could take an accurate reading. Not to mention you'd likely melt the plastic eye dropper sampler thing that comes with the meter.

My local maple supply outlet has one hydrometer in stock - a sap hydrometer! Not what I'm looking for. I'm hoping the folks an hour further up the road have a bit more selection...

Thanks for your thoughts,


03-12-2014, 07:39 AM
I'm a newbie and by no means an expert, but I agree with your thinking. I think if you used an ATC refractometer scaled for the correct Brix range of syrup you could quickly dip a metal spoon into the hot sap or syrup (don't use the plastic dropper), let it drain off back into the pan, wait a few seconds and let the last drop or two drip onto the sample window of the refractometer. By then it would likely be cooled down to the temperature range needed for the refractometer.