View Full Version : FDA registration

Loch Muller
03-06-2014, 07:11 PM
So I went and registered with the FDA today. Didn't want to, but the general consensus is that you need to and I couldn't find anything on their website that stated my operation is exempt. Hope this doesn't turn out to be a hassle. My sugar house is basic, 4 walls, wood floor, 2 windows, a door and a vent in the roof. I use a filter/canning unit to bottle. How many people actually get inspected? I'm confident I'm producing a quality product that is safe. It's the burecratic mess of our government that worries me.

03-06-2014, 08:34 PM
I wonder the same thing, I kinda get the impression that its more they have permission to inspect you but likely wouldn't unless there was a problem linked to your product.

Loch Muller
03-07-2014, 09:49 AM
That is good. I wouldn't mind showing folks around and explaining how I process my sap, just worries me to see layering of regulatory agencies. What would be the consequences if they come to inspect and find something they don't like? Do they have a set of guidelines for processing sap to syrup that they want me to follow, or do I just go with the best practices and regulations from New York?

happy thoughts
03-07-2014, 10:17 AM
As I understand it, the intent of the FDA registration process is to improve tracking of foodborne illness and contamination. The regs grew out of 9/11 and the desire to protect the US food supply from bioterrorism. The recent inclination of the FDA is to consider maple syrup a low risk food and eventually some maple producers may be exempt from registering in the future. Guidelines/best practices are in the works but have not yet been written to the best of my knowledge. I believe the intent is also to let states handle inspections, etc. according to state laws and preferably on a more local level... i.e by local health departments rather than a broadly based state agency.