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View Full Version : Surge Alamo model?

Paul VT
03-06-2014, 04:45 PM
I recently acquired a surge alamo vacuum pump. How can I identify what model it is? This is the serial #66139. Any help would be great!
Also how many taps would it be able to handle?

03-06-2014, 05:22 PM
pics would help a lot also what is the measurement on the body of the pump from pulley side to other side I have a surge and it measure 10.5" and its a model 60

Paul VT
03-06-2014, 08:52 PM
I measured the width including the end caps but not the length of the shaft. About 12 inches. With out the caps it is about 9 inches.

03-06-2014, 09:18 PM
You may need to call the Surge dealer for specifics. But you do have the larger frame pump. It's an Alamo 60/75/100. My lack of compete knowledge comes in now. I know that the vanes and bearings are all the same for this frame pump. I believe the difference comes in to electrical HP and RMP's to get differences in the pump CFM ratings. Hamby dairy supply out of Mo. has a great web site with manuals for disassembling and rebuilding, I just ordered parts for my Alamo 30.

03-07-2014, 03:33 AM
Paul VT that is one of the bigger pumps for sure. Mine is a model 60 which came with a 3hp motor on it. Since I've run it I've taken the electric off and put a gas motor on it if you go on SBI and post there kevin Sargant will be able to tell you for sure that guy is amazing when it comes to pumps. If memory serves me right I think he told me that the 60 is in the high 20's for cfm. I pull 19.5-21hg's with my pump all day long most of the time its 19.5 I have the vac releaser set at 21 so on freeze ups it will pull outside air not to dead head the pump and heat it up. hope this helps only my second year with the pump and it works great I have it on 1200 taps

Paul VT
03-07-2014, 04:31 AM
Thanks for the help! The motor on it is a 3hp. I will check with Kevin.
Thanks again!

maple flats
03-07-2014, 04:41 AM
I believe the 50-60-75-100 are all the same pump head. The difference between them is the motor they're mated with. There is also a 30 which may have other models relating to it? The 30 is not 9" long without the end caps, you likely have the 50-60-75-100. Those numbers relate to the CFM at 15" vacuum when coupled to the right motor and pulley that will spin it at the necessary RPM under the 15" vacuum load.