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View Full Version : Automatic drawoff

12-16-2006, 02:23 PM
Any ideas where I can get one or how to make one??????

12-16-2006, 03:54 PM
I have a marcland and I love it. It has hightemp and low level alarm. If you use oil you can set it up so that if it goes into alarm it will shut off the burner. Well worth it if it saves a pan from burning up. It would pay for itself in that reguards. The drawoff is to the nearest tenth of a degree and you can set it to the barometric pressure to compensate the change in the boiling point of water. The new ones automaticly compensate the change in barometric pressure. Mine doesn't I have a barometer and a chart in my sugarhouse. here is the link


12-16-2006, 05:18 PM
My uncle (not the uncle with the sugar operation) owns YSTEC www.ystec.com, but sells through the evap manufacturers. His automatically compensates for atmosphere change through the day, and has a motor driven valve as opposed to a solenoid.