View Full Version : Husqvarna 372 XP PRE EPA Model

03-03-2014, 07:54 PM
Ok Guys here the deal...In Looking at the saws on the market I have seen alot of talk about the Strato saws and how the use less fuel better
for the envoirment etc. Now here is the question... you can buy a NEW Husqvarna 372xp PRE EPA saw...I mean NEW IN BOX or do you go with the current
model. The pre EPA is getting about $100 more than todays saw. Give me the pros and cons of each....Thanks

03-03-2014, 09:29 PM
We run the Husgvarna saws here. We cut about 70 cords of wood a year. The difference between the saws is that the pre epa saws have an adjustable carburetor and an open muffler. The mufflers on the spa saws have a small built in catalytic coverer built into them and the carburetor has minimal adjustment. We have both saws and we have had issues with the mufflers plugging on the spa saws if we do not use synthetic oil for mixing into the gas. Some of the pre epa saws also had a different ratio for gas mixture. There are after market mufflers you can buy that do not have the catalytic built into them.

My opinion owning both of these saws is I would buy the pre epa saw. Lot less problems with them as far as tuning, etc..

03-03-2014, 09:37 PM
I think also the pre epa saws were 2005 and older.

03-04-2014, 02:46 PM
I have a 357 xp and a 372 xp both early models. I love the 372 and would buy another in a minute. New technology is not always better technology.

Green Hill Maple
03-04-2014, 04:55 PM
We own a tree company and have been either doing tree work or logging for 35 years. My dad ran husky for 28 years till we bought a 575 and it was such a pile we went to sthil and will never switch back far superior product. Emissions destroyed husky and the fact they cheapened them to sell at big box stores. I will say I miss the 372 it was a great saw had one for years running daily.

Ball Brook Maple
03-04-2014, 07:35 PM
What will you be doing with the saw? Cutting mainly firewood? Felling or thinning? I also own a tree company and teach chainsaw safety training and am also a huge fan of the 372. I own both pre-emission and the newer emission saws and have had a few problems with both but like others have said the mufflers create issues.

I recently bought several of the new auto tune 562 models and am very pleased! A light powerful saw and after 1.5 years I have yet to have any major problems. Both students and my employees choose the 562 over the heavier 372 almost always unless there's some real big wood to cut.

The 562 is also only around $740.