View Full Version : Pump and Membrane Combination

03-02-2014, 10:56 PM
Can these two work together effectively? This is my first year trying to make a RO and I want to see how cheap but effective I can make one. Links about the combination are down below.
Membrane Housing

If this could work, can I add a second membrane?. What would it benefit from doing it? I'm only 16 and addicted already.

03-03-2014, 08:47 AM
It says that is a booster pump, but can also be used for ro membranes up to 120 gpd Probably fine for a household water system. You're looking at a 400 gpd membrane. I have no doubt it will work to some degree but a bigger pump that delivers more pressure will be able to utilize the full potential of the membrane. I think you need to look at one of the small procon pumps. Then you could add another membrane.