View Full Version : New member from NY

02-27-2014, 06:26 PM
Hi all,

I am VERY new to all this, Im taking in as much info as I can. I am looking to tap my local sugar maples here for the family and friends. Im not looking to sell or do this as a living but a hobby. I have always tried my hand at making things from scratch, and have had great success at my beer making so this is something I have wanted to do since I was little and did it with my Father way back then. Great memories and my love for the sweet stuff began a long long time ago.

Thank you in advance!

02-27-2014, 06:32 PM
Welcome! Most of us have fond memories of sugaring at a young age. I hope you can pass on the great times with your family and friends.

Maple is one of the sweetest parts of life.


02-27-2014, 07:23 PM
Hello again Mike and Welcome - I know where you are coming from as I made Wine many years ago - never tried Beer - although I have Hops growing in my yard. Trying new things keeps us young. The Mrs. and I always make and can our own applesauce etc. - this year I had the bright idea to make our own apple cider - but - didn't want to invest in a cider press. LOL - A guy on a Site made it with a mop bucket and wringer and laundry bags and a food processor. LOL - So I made three gallons of apple cider last Fall with the waste apple material and we canned it and very good. Hey - I make maple syrup as a hobby too - I'm 73 now and look forward to it every year --- keeps me going. Welcome to Maple Trader. ----Another Mike---

02-27-2014, 07:37 PM
welcome you will have hours of fun for each gallon you produce..what kind of apparatus are you going to use to boil?.. where in N.Y. are you? wood fired or other. It will be a bit before you get any sap seeing as we are in such a deep freeze here in western new York at least. have fun and good luck. If you have any other maples beside sugar tap a couple of those as well and mix it right in...gives the syrup a more robust flavor.

maple flats
02-28-2014, 05:03 AM
Welcome Crushnbugs, where in NY are you from?

02-28-2014, 08:27 AM
Welcome, my whole family looks forward to the season each year now. We only started a couple of years ago and we grow a little each year. I think you'll love it. Give us a little detail on how you plan on boiling, collecting filtering etc.. There are a bunch of people on here who have made all the mistakes and can guide you accordingly.