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View Full Version : Cdl moisture trap

Ball Brook Maple
02-26-2014, 09:38 AM
I am using a CDL moisture trap and this unit has a " one way " valve on the bottom that should open to drain when vacuum is lost. The valve is PVC and I noticed this past weekend that when I put my hand over the end of the valve is was drawing vacuum. I would assume I'm loosing a fair amount of vacuum with this leaky valve. Anybody else have this issue or a recommendation? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Ryther
02-26-2014, 11:39 AM
I have a few of these moisture traps. I have eliminated the check valve on some and on others I have put a ball valve after the check valve. In my opinion the check valve is useless. If the trap fills up and the ball shuts off the vacuum you still have to open the canister to release the ball. That is when I dump the contents and reset the ball.