View Full Version : stack flames

Ryan August
02-23-2014, 06:54 PM
I know this has come up be for but I will ask anyhow. First boil on new mason with blower. Got about thirty gallons on eighty taps. I did not have flames coming out off the stack but hot ash and sparks, even with the blower on low. Do I have any concern with this? Other than lighting the woods on fire.

02-23-2014, 07:37 PM
I like to go outside the shack at night with the spaks coming outn the stack,and steam out the coupala .Its a neat sight and a good feeling, nothing to worry about that I know of ENJOY

02-23-2014, 08:08 PM
I noticed this too on my first couple boils, with my Mason 2x3 evaporator. I noticed that it happened more when I was loading with more softwood (pine pallets, and SPF offcuts from my woodworking), than with hardwood. I tried to run a mix of wood to get a fire going that I liked. Mine does not have a blower either, so is it possible it could be the wood your using. As Slammer I think it is pretty normal.

Drew Pond Maple
02-23-2014, 09:27 PM
Mine looks like a jet engine at night when I load with soft wood. And throws some serious sparks. Not too bad when there is snow on the ground, but later in the season when all the snow has melted and we haven't had rain in a while I get a little nervous about burning down the neighborhood.

But everyone says it's normal

02-23-2014, 09:30 PM
We always get them: More when burning scrap soft wood. Fewer when we get the AOF set right.