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View Full Version : Problems with SAP Puller

Quabbin Hill Farms
02-23-2014, 06:19 PM
I have a 100E SAP puller last year I had it on a 3/4 " line about 400' and about 65 taps it puller betwenn 15-20 inches of vacum. This year i added more taps and re-routed the line now its about 1500" and 200 taps. The system doesn't seem to want to pull. I changed the main diaphram and both check valves this year. The lines are full of sap and the first lateral line is about 400' from the pump. The pump was registering about -15" of vacum but nothing at the far end. I have walked the line and do not hear any major leaks. When i turned the puller off it took about 15 minutes before the gauge zeroed out so i don't think it a major leak. The line now has a rise in it about 6' over 100" where it levels off and runs flat to the pump.

Does anyone one else use one of these pullers and if so do you have a rise in the system this may be the problem, but I don't see any movement in the main line even if it can't pull it up I thought I would see some movement of the sap in the system.

Any thoughts would be appreciated

02-24-2014, 05:15 AM
Any possibility you got one of the check valves in backwards is there?

Quabbin Hill Farms
02-24-2014, 05:46 AM
Going to check that today but pretty sure they only can go in one way.

NH Maplemaker
02-24-2014, 07:37 AM
Any chance your line is frozen some were? If you are getting vacuum at the pump it's doing it's job! Sound like ice some were! Walk your line, pull taps as you go. At one point you have vacuum Then the next tree you don't ! Ice is some were between!

Quabbin Hill Farms
02-24-2014, 12:26 PM
Thanks I will check it again I did pull the first line off and had nothing part of the line between that first line and the pump is well shaded could be in that area although it went down to 15 here last night so I am sure its frozen now.

02-24-2014, 04:55 PM
I bought a sap puller from cdl this year . I was having trouble with leaks at the saddles and could only get 15" . After I got the leaks fixed I was at 23" , sometimes as high as 26.5" .40 taps on about 600 feet of 1" main . All of my mains have 2% slope to them .

Marc Duclos
02-27-2014, 07:28 AM
Take an Ax and drive it into a maple tree. The shaded side. When the sap starts to run down the handle turn your pump back on.

02-27-2014, 11:27 AM
Take an Ax and drive it into a maple tree. The shaded side. When the sap starts to run down the handle turn your pump back on. Ah...what?? Please don't needlessly wound your trees.