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View Full Version : My website www.blsugarbush@yahoo.com

Brad W Wi
02-23-2014, 03:04 PM
After too many years of talking about it, we have a website. It's still has a lot of fine and rough tuning to do, but it's up. If you have a moment take a look and let me know how you feel about it. We'll be putting up more pictures and there will be a blog coming soon. We're at http://www.blsugarbush.com
Thank you.

Run Forest Run!
02-23-2014, 03:24 PM
Hi Brad. Great job on the site. FYI, you might want to change the link in your original post. What you've put there is your email address. Your site link should be www.blsugarbush.com.

If I can make a couple of suggestions? In your blog you write; "It can get much better than this". I think you mean "it can't get much better than this". ;)

Also, I'm not sure if it's a Canadian vs. American way of saying things, but reading "we have our cherry red sugar shack for our loyal friends to hang while we boil away" would scare me away from being your friend. :o I'd prefer to "hang out" than hang. :)

Your set-up looks gorgeous and I wish you and your wife all the best for this sapping season. Thanks for sharing Winter paradise.

happy thoughts
02-23-2014, 04:01 PM
Really nice job Brad. Site looks very attractive and loads quickly for me. Ditto on what Karen said about the typo in the blog post (can---> can't). I also caught that right away.

Minor point would be to add links to the text below the pics on your home page. Right now, only the pics are links to reach the inner pages of your site. I tried to click on the text first before a little mousing around showed that the pics were the hot links.

As you develop your site, some recipes would be nice if you haven't already thought of adding some to your blog.

In your post here, add http:// to your URL so it is a clickable link. More people may click and visit.

Best of luck. Again, that's looking great and can only get better with time:)

02-23-2014, 04:11 PM
Looks very nice. I like the pictures. They are very sharp and present a nice image.

happy thoughts
02-23-2014, 04:23 PM
One more suggestion Brad. Eventually you're going to want to have your site turn up in searches. Search engines look for keywords in the text written into your pages. That includes the titles of pages and pictures. Instead of naming images with numbers like DSCN1939-1024x768.jpg, throw some keywords in there. For instance maple_sap-1024x768.jpg.

Picture names are a good place to add misspelled words like mapel_sap.jpg. Or sirup.jpg. Even bad spellers use google :)

Also give all pics titles, again with some keywords thrown in. By titles I mean the text that appears when you mouse over an image. A few of your images on the photo page already have some so I know you should be able to add them to all of them.

Again, best of luck!

Brad W Wi
02-23-2014, 04:42 PM
Thanks to everyone so far. I've changed what I can, and will get Linda to change what she can, and if she can't our daughter-in-law will. Please keep checking it out. I'm looking for opinions.

02-23-2014, 07:43 PM
I really like your bottles and your labels! Great site and sharp photos.