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View Full Version : 3/16 tapped but I have question

steve J
02-22-2014, 04:03 PM
All me 3/16 is tapped and it started to run some today with some trees dripping and others appear still frozen. I got 6 lines all with gauges not one gauge was registering? There seems to be air bubbles in all lines. When a line would appear to have only few bubbles but it went by a tap that was not giving sap I would have a lot more air bubbles right after the tap> Fittings are tight.88368837

02-23-2014, 09:14 AM
There seems to be air bubbles in all lines. When a line would appear to have only few bubbles but it went by a tap that was not giving sap I would have a lot more air bubbles right after the tap]

Some bubbles in the line is normal. Trees produce both sap and gases. However if you are seeing a LOT more bubbles after a drop than before, then there is probably a leak somewhere in the drop or at the spout on that tree.

Gary R
02-23-2014, 12:45 PM
This is my second year on 3/16 and I have noticed a few things. If the sap flow is low there is more bubbles. During high sap flow there is very little bubbles. If a column air air is say 3" long and comes to a tee, that column is broken up into many smaller bubbles. If there is no bubbles above the tee and bubbles below, there is a leak somewhere at that drop. Mine are running now with a moderate amount of bubbles. I still have 25-26" on my gauges. If you have a leak you get no or very little vacuum. You need to look close at the lines. If there is a squirrel chew on the lateral, you will see many little bubbles forming below the leak. Good luck!