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View Full Version : Finding water(or ice) in the bottom of the oil flood tank

Bruce L
02-21-2014, 08:06 PM
Went to change out the oil in the vacuum pump other day before the season starts, opened up the drain spigot on the bottom of the tank nothing comes out. Took an old screwdriver, valve was filled with crud. next drain hose to the valve was also filled with crud and ice. Took everything off the bottom of the tank, wouldn't drain, too much ice. Went back down at night as the temperature was going up, tried again and managed to get a hole through the ice where the oil started flowing out. Put the hose back on to drain into a container, then poured diesel fuel in the top of the tank, about 10 minutes later the diesel fuel came gushing out. I poured more diesel in and let it sit for 15 minutes while I was finishing up some wiring, then let it drain out. Next I will make sure the lines are clear with diesel going to the oil filter, change the oil filter then put the new vacuum pump oil in and ready to go.
How often should the oil be changed? seasonally? Last year was my first season with this pump, but it was a used pump, De Laval # 76

02-22-2014, 06:06 AM
You should drain the reclaimer every day or so. Just crack the valve after it has set over night and water will come out first. As soon as you see oil close it and you are good to go. Most time there will be none or very little. Over the season if not drained will add up. I change my oil every other year as per instructions from manufacturer when I got my pump.