View Full Version : Sugar House restaurant closings

02-21-2014, 03:21 PM
I read this story and thought it was sad that two sugar house restaurants were closing:


I'm not sure if it's coincidence or due to other factors but I'm wondering if these types of places are passing. Are other areas seeing closures or are places opening up?

02-21-2014, 03:42 PM
I wouldnt worry too much, the article states that after 30 years of running the restaurant they want to work less and continue making syrup, I cant imagine the work it is to run a restaurant during sugar season, just syrup keeps me running! As Alan Jacksons song goes "he gives his life then fades away, another young man takes his place" Surely some other young sugarmaker will start up a restraunt as well, I don't think its a passing thing at all, every year we visit Jeff Masons place, Red Bucket Sugarshack and the place is always packed. I know of one local guy who is working on opening a sugarhouse restaurant in CT, its not as easy here as it is in Mass, up there it falls under temporary food permit similar to fair vendors etc so much less stringent as long as your not open more than a certain amount of weeks. Here in CT it has to meet the requirements of any other restaurant but I think it will be worth it for him as the agri tourism industry is very strong nowdays especialy with the natural food push etc.

02-21-2014, 03:53 PM
That's a hard dollar to earn and I bet they had to get rid of all their orange buckets along with a million other regs to obey!

"I am from the goverment and I am here to help you"...................:)

steam maker
02-21-2014, 06:12 PM
Im thinkin of setting up a few tables in sugarhouse and having a byop"bring your own pancakes" ill supply the syrup😝

02-21-2014, 06:47 PM
I wouldnt worry too much, the article states that after 30 years of running the restaurant they want to work less and continue making syrup, I cant imagine the work it is to run a restaurant during sugar season, just syrup keeps me running! As Alan Jacksons song goes "he gives his life then fades away, another young man takes his place" Surely some other young sugarmaker will start up a restraunt as well, I don't think its a passing thing at all, every year we visit Jeff Masons place, Red Bucket Sugarshack and the place is always packed. I know of one local guy who is working on opening a sugarhouse restaurant in CT, its not as easy here as it is in Mass, up there it falls under temporary food permit similar to fair vendors etc so much less stringent as long as your not open more than a certain amount of weeks. Here in CT it has to meet the requirements of any other restaurant but I think it will be worth it for him as the agri tourism industry is very strong nowdays especialy with the natural food push etc.

I saw that but it just seems odd that they would shut down a popular draw and feature for that reason. You could easily have someone or some group do that while you concentrate on sugar making. I hope there's nothing else going on in Mass. There's a lot of those kind of places up there and I'd hate to see them close.

You're right though - we need places like that in CT. I would do that if I had a place that could accommodate people but I don't. I also think that it would be up to the town to determine what kind of permit you need. Here in Stafford it would just be a special use permit but I think there are some additional health board requirements.

Flat Lander Sugaring
02-22-2014, 05:17 AM
Theres one right over the border from me in North Granville NY, I have never been there but from what I heard its a place to go and have breakfast. Guess they have been doing it for years.

02-22-2014, 12:39 PM
this place open around where i live with in the last few years. never been but hear its good. http://www.limlawmaplefarm.com/

Bentley Wood Maple
02-25-2014, 02:31 PM
Theres one right over the border from me in North Granville NY, I have never been there but from what I heard its a place to go and have breakfast. Guess they have been doing it for years.
I beliveve that place is a restaurant that happens to have a sugarhouse, not a sugarhouse who has a restaurant. I have often wondered where you cross the line and become a food service establishment.
most weekends we have pancakes at the sugarhouse but we give them away, most folks buy some syrup from us. I would not want to sell food...