View Full Version : Not done yet....

JP Quality Maple Syrup
02-18-2014, 07:33 AM
Mother Nature has pretty much beat me up over trying to finish my shack and install my new Lapierre evaporator. My wonderful wife suggested after looking through all the stuff in MapleTrader that we could get our own pan and have an outdoor old fashioned Maple season and get some rather than none. So off to our favourite people at Springdale Maple Farms in Clayton ON and picked up our 2 x 3 pan and grabbed our new buckets, lids and firebrick. Got home and quickly cleared about 4 feet high by 12 feet wide of snow by the barn to build our fire pit in and get ready. Soooooooooooo got up this morning to white outs, heavy snow and later today freezing rain. Mother Nature you may win the odd battle but you won't win the war. Too funny, Jack and Pam

P.S. Have an awesome season to all in Maple Trader.