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View Full Version : need advice on making 3 x 10 arch

02-15-2014, 04:29 PM
I may regret this but I need advice and please be critical. I welded to together and bottom (firebox). Now I c clamped them and not sure if 26 inches from grates to bottom of flat pan is too much what do you think. Fire box is 6.5 ft long with the grates being 40 inches long. I know I have more pieces to cut and weld but hopefully pics will give an idea. Ash box is 9 inches deep by 40 long. Total height will be 36 inches tall.8736873787388739

02-15-2014, 04:32 PM
Now that I can see pics the first is side of front second is back side third is back to front and the last is the front. Hammer away please only want to cut and weld once if I can help it and any suggestions will help. Also I know I am cutting it close but had to wait for some funds to buy material winter as hard on cars