View Full Version : Flat pan baffles cause issues?

02-14-2014, 04:12 PM
I've got a pan I'm making, its a 2x6 flat pan. I was going to add these baffles, more like braces to help keep things in shape and the bottom of the pan from sagging. Are they necessary or will this big of a pan be fine wide open? I would have made the pan continuous flow but I did not have enough material leftover from making the pan.


02-14-2014, 04:23 PM
I've got a pan I'm making, its a 2x6 flat pan. I was going to add these baffles, more like braces to help keep things in shape and the bottom of the pan from sagging. Are they necessary or will this big of a pan be fine wide open? I would have made the pan continuous flow but I did not have enough material leftover from making the pan.


I wouldn't put the braces in and use it as it is. Then when possible in the future you can still make it a continuous flow without much problem.

02-14-2014, 06:35 PM
Leave it without the supports, there not needed. Each inch equals about 7.5 gallons or about 60 pounds. No need for support even if you throw in say 6" it will be just fine.

02-14-2014, 10:47 PM
Alright, I'll leave it alone. I think all I'll do is add a couple straps across the top to keep it from bowing out any.

02-15-2014, 02:00 PM
Looking at the picture, you have enough metal to do a 3 section, continuous flow. Just don't have the lower legs on. dividers might not be as high as sides, but should work!

02-15-2014, 02:53 PM
Yeah, Bill, I thought the same thing. Turn those upside down, cut a small corner out of each one and make dividers out of them...

02-15-2014, 04:07 PM
I thought continuous flow dividers went from front to back, lengthwise in the pan?

Maple Hill
02-15-2014, 04:45 PM
I thought continuous flow dividers went from front to back, lengthwise in the pan? Not on a crossflow pan.

02-16-2014, 04:41 AM
I thought continuous flow dividers went from front to back, lengthwise in the pan?
Dividers can go either way... Mine are side to side.. Add raw sap in back and draw off in front..