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View Full Version : Fire brick and installation

JP Quality Maple Syrup
02-12-2014, 07:24 AM
Learning lots in here for sure and this rookie has another question. My friend across the road has an evaporator (one he let me use and got me hooked) and his firebrick in it uses no mortar. I have seen other evaporators in Maple Trader.com that also use none. I purchased a new Lapierre evaporator and firebrick and the fellow I purchased it from always uses mortar. He has been doing Maple Syrup for years and is a nice fellow as well but if I ever want to move this thing it will weigh a ton if the bricks and fixed. Any advice?
Thanks in advance, Jack

Scribner's Mountain Maple
02-12-2014, 07:40 AM

I have moved two Evaporators this past year. They were both bricked and mortared on the sides of the firebox as it should be, and one was dry laid on the ramp, the other had mortar. When I moved them I took all the bricks out first, which meant hammer and chisels. Wasn't too bad either time. These were large rigs I moved. If you are talking 3*10 or under, you may be able to leave bricks in it if moved in future. Either way, mortar is worth it. Peace of mind the bricks aren't going to come down if you hit it wrong while feeding the fire.


JP Quality Maple Syrup
02-12-2014, 10:35 AM
Thanks Ben, I'm sold. I have ordered the mortar from the supplier. Jack