View Full Version : what size sap feed line - lapierre 600 turbo

02-10-2014, 04:56 PM
What size pipe are folks using to feed in to the feed pump on their 600 ROs? The Grundfus feed pump housing has a 1" threaded fitting. The previous owner bushed it up to a 1 1/4".

In the past on my Memtek (500gph) I used 1" all the way.

I spoke to a friend who has two lapierre 600s and he uses 1" on both.

Spoke to Lapierre and they said 1 1/4" minimum, 1 1/2" better. Is there a benefit to upsizing the pipe between feed tank and RO, or is the 1" fitting on the feed pump the limiting factor.

For what it is worth, the total length of run from sap tank to feed pump is about 12 feet, and has 3 90deg. elbows.

maple flats
02-10-2014, 06:12 PM
I won't answer the feed line question, but I was in the OWB business for several years before selling the business and retiring. The inlet to the pump does not generally tell you what size pipe to use. Many applications call for a larger supply pipe than the inlet size on the pump. I suspect Lapierre was right, 1.25 min. and better yet 1.5" Only knowing pumps and their efficiency related to the inlet pipe restriction I can only say that a pump runs better when it has no restriction on the inlet. Based on what Lapierre said, I would guess that 1" would be a big restriction, 1.25 less restriction and 1.5 far less again. Any pump does far better having a bigger supply than outlet, they push far better than they pull.
Going back to my strawberry growing days and irrigation for frost control. I used an 11 HP gas powered Hale fire pump. The pump was a 3' pump and it was rated to power 42 sprinklers at 60 PSI min. and 60 gph each IF I had a 4" suction line. If I had used a 3" suction line it would only power 31 sprinklers. Having the 4" into a 3" pump gained me 11 sprinklers. A similar relationship will relate to your RO infeed pump, however I'd need performance and restriction charts to give specifics. Don't starve the pump.

Thompson's Tree Farm
02-10-2014, 06:13 PM
The infeed on all my RO infeed pumps is 1 and 1/4. (LaPierre and CDL, 600 and 900 gallon machines.) I'd go with the larger pipe, less chance of starving the pump and easier to prime the system.

maple flats
02-10-2014, 06:16 PM
OH, one other thing. You say you have 3 90's. You are far better using 2 45's with a short pipe between for each 90. If that's not an option, at least get the long sweep 90's for less restriction. Not as good as 2 @ 45 degrees, but far better than the short ells.

02-10-2014, 07:33 PM
the carry capacity of 1.25 is far more than 1" thus the ability to feed the pump and not run the risk of caveating it is meet by the larger line.
I have a liquid truck for hauling molasses. the 2" pump is feed by a 3" supply line from the tank. The 3" line is sized specially for feeding this pump. the truck can unload at 600 gallons/ minute. While it takes 16 minutes to fill if feeding with a 2' line.

02-10-2014, 09:02 PM
Have a lapierre RO. Started out as a 600 then made it a 900 with a second membrane and this year had a second high pressure pump to make it a 1200. I only had a 1" line feeding it for 600 and 900 and never had a problem. This year I'm going to 1 1/4" to be safe but notice the outlet side of pump only has a 1" port. My feed tank is about 6' higher than the ro so sure I have pressure from gravity working for me. Check the outlet side is it 3/4 or 1".

Russell Lampron
02-11-2014, 05:22 AM
Eric that 1 1/4" adapter at the inlet to the feed pump is installed by Lapierre. My RO came that way and Bascoms has a brand new 600 in the showroom and it has the same feed pump as my RO with the same adapter on it. I have always used 1 1/4" pipe from storage and permeate tanks to RO and just plumbed it that way in my new addition even though the outlet hole on my bulk tank and inlet on my feed pump are both 1".

02-11-2014, 02:45 PM
I used 2" on mine. It's a 1.5" inlet at the Wye Strainer from the factory (D&G).

02-11-2014, 07:02 PM
Our coarse filter has a 1.5" inlet. We used to have only a 1" line from the tank but it was working to hard to prime so we upsized to 1.25". With our new feed tank this year we've changed to a solid wall 1.5" from the tank to the coarse filter and hope it will allow the pump to run better.

Moser's Maple
02-14-2014, 08:26 PM

our single tower lapierre 600 calls for a 1 1/4 in feed line to the motor. It says this right in the installation instructions, actually just got done setting ours up. I do have 1 1/2 in lines coming from the raw sap tank, and from the permeate tanks, but then reduces down to 1 1/4 before going to the pump. Don't forget you are going to want to put an inline filter in before the pump just in case you have any debris that could go into you pump. here are a few pics of our setup if this may help

02-14-2014, 09:39 PM
Nice job Jake, looks like you have plenty of room in there as well. :beer::beer::beer:

02-15-2014, 08:00 AM
Jake - what are you using for a pre filter? Is that going to go after the manifold on the black fitting?

Moser's Maple
02-15-2014, 11:55 AM
We are using sock filters at the tanks and then this inline filter/strainer before the pump. If you google "banjo Y strainer you'll see what I'm talking about. In woods breaking roads right now will take a pic filter to show better tonight

02-15-2014, 03:35 PM
found it at McMAster Carr - on its way. thanks for the heads-up.